The Gardeners' Chronicle (1841-1968)
(14 Apr 1855) Page(s) 235. Abadie de Rougemeont, bright crimson, very fine.
(25 Jun 1842) Page(s) 424. Garden Memoranda. Messrs. Lane and Son's Nursery, Great Berkhampstead. China: Abbé Mioland, crimson...
(3 Jul 1841) Page(s) 438. Messrs. Lane and Sons Nursery, Great Berkhampstead.—The collection of Roses here is very large, and comprises most of the choicer varieties in cultivation. [...] China.—Abbé Mioland, fine crimson red, cupped, large, and double; Augustine Hersent, good bright rose, cupped and very large; Belle de Florence, fine light carmine—these three kinds are well adapted for beds of one colour; Fabvier; Infidélités de Lisette; Majorlin; Miellez, beautiful lemon white; Napoleon, fine shaded blush; and Triumphant, fine deep rose and crimson.
(16 Jul 1881) Page(s) 78. Mr. William Paul has kindly favoured us with the following list of twelve very sweet-scented Roses: -- "La France (H.P.), Devoniensis (Tea), Gloire de Dijon (Tea), Charles Lawson (H.C.), Soupert et Notting (Moss), Fisher Holmes (H.P.), Saint George (H.P.), Pierre Notting (H.P.), Marie Baumann (H.P.), Queen Eleanor (H.P.), Abel Grand (H.P.), and the Old Provence."
(3 Jul 1841) Page(s) 438. Messrs. Lane and Sons Nursery, Great Berkhampstead.—The collection of Roses here is very large, and comprises most of the choicer varieties in cultivation. [...] Bourbon.—Acidalie, white, cupped, large, and very double; Armosa; Augustine Marget; Bouquet de Flore, fine reddish carmine; Célimène, delicate pink, cupped; Coquette de Montmorency, red, beautifully shaded with violet, cupped and double; De Neuilly, fine rosy carmine, cupped and double; Emile Courtier; Général Merlin, large, bright pink; Gloire de Rosamène; Madame Nerard, pink, with a lightish margin; Phénix; Queen of the Bourbons; and Thérésita, cupped, carmine.
(21 Jun 1884) Page(s) 795. Herbaceous Pæonies. Among the new double varieties shown by Messrs. Kelway & Son were Adelaide, pure white—very fine; Bacelus, rosy-purple; Frigidus, rose and white; Hadranum, satiny rose; Macella, pink, with yellow centre; and Papinus, crimson-purple.
(7 Mar 1863) Page(s) 221. "Summer Roses" By Mr. William Paul, F.R.H.S., Paul's Nurseries, Waltham Cross. The French and its hybrids, once the leading group of the genus, has been depreciated more than any other by the improvements of modern times. It must not however be yet laid aside. The varieties grow freely in any common garden soil, and produce fine masses of highly fragrant flowers in the summer time. The colours are varied and beautiful, the growth compact, and the plants require close pruning. Adèle Prevost is a pretty silvery blush Rose, of good form, and flowers freely.
(3 Jul 1841) Page(s) 438. Messrs. Lane and Sons Nursery, Great Berkhampstead.—The collection of Roses here is very large, and comprises most of the choicer varieties in cultivation. [...] Hybrid Provence and French.—Adele Provost, deep blush, large, double, and expanded; Aspasie, delicate blush, globular and very double; Emérance, cupped and double, pale lemon, very fine; Grand Sultan, delicate pink, very large and double; La Vestale, beautiful yellowish-white, cupped, and double; La Ville de Londres, fine purplish crimson, imbricated, large, and double; Melanie Walder, fine white, cupped; New Globe Hip; delicate pale lemon-colour, decidedly better than the Old Globe Hip; and Pompone de la Queue, delicate pink tinged with salmon, compact and double.
(12 Jun 1841) Page(s) 384. Paul and Son's Nursery, Cheshunt.—The collection of Roses here is very extensive, and in the course of a few days the whole will be in bloom. Among the more remarkable that we saw were... Centifolias.—Adeline, a good double light rose; Descemet, bright rose, cup-shaped and semi-double; Duc d'Angoulème, large and double, deep rose; and Duchesne, beautiful blush pink, globular, and double.
(25 Jun 1842) Page(s) 424. Garden Memoranda. Messrs. Lane and Son's Nursery, Great Berkhampstead. Hybrid China: Adonis, pinky lilac, cupped, and large...