(1906) Page(s) 54. Banksian Jaune Vif. B. Pale yellow, strong, vigorous climber.
(1906) Page(s) 54. Boule de Neige H.P. Pure snow-white, of medium size, very free flowering.
(1906) Page(s) 55. Dr. Grill T. Coppery yellow, shading to fawny rose, a handsome buttonhole flower.
(1906) Page(s) 55. Earl of Hopetoun. H.P. Deep crimson maroon, shaded velvety crimson.
(1906) Page(s) 55. ‘Gustave Regis’. HT. Canary yellow, with saffron yellow centres, large semi-double flowers, very beautiful buds, habit semi-climbing.
(1906) Page(s) 55. ‘J. B. M. Camm’ Bourbon. Very pale salmon pink, large and full, of vigorous growth, with bold, massive foliage; a really fine rose.
(1906) Page(s) 56. Lord Tarquin. Tea. Pale flesh colour, shaded, very free flowering.
(1906) Page(s) 58. ‘Wells White’. Polyantha. Pure white, flowers in large clusters, an abundant bloomer, and strong climber.
(1906) Page(s) 56. Margaret Dickson HP. White, centre pale flesh, of good substance and form, petals large and shell-like.
(1906) Page(s) 57. Rev. J. B. M. Camm, HP. Bright rosy pink, of fine globular form.