(1950) Includes photo(s). p34 'Apricot Queen'. HT. (Howard & Smith, 1940) Decorative, A= The best of the roses. 2= Average height
p54 'Apricot Queen'. Very attractive unfading wavy petals in tones of chrome and pink with yellow bases; first crop of blooms is useless, but later it is one of our best decorative roses, a very free bloomer and a strong grower.
p109. b/w photo. Caption: A bowl of 'Apricot Queen'
p227 In spring, some varieties, such as …… and 'Apricot Queen', produce very coarse crown blooms even if not disbudded. Sometimes one can get one or two good blooms by removing the crown bud and all but two of the lateral buds. However, in general, this type of rose is seldom useful until its second crop of blooms.
(1950) Page(s) 96. Reference to the lists of recommended roses will show the extraordinarily large number of Australian varieties we regularly grow and the wide diversity of uses for which they are adaptable. They are amongst the world’s hardiest roses and include highly prized varieties such as those listed below. Babe. (A. Miers).
(1969) p46. Roses for hedge-making. 'Blue Boy'. Height 5-7 feet.
p50 .....a few new cultivars of some groups, including the Moss Roses are being bred. 'Blue Boy'. Introduced by Kordes in 1958 and bred from 'Kordes Sondermeldung' and an almost unknown Moss Rose 'Louis Gimard'
p57 Mauve and Lilac: 'Blue Boy' (Moss Rose).
(1950) p47 Borderer.
p49 Borderer (12-18 inches in height)
p95 Surely roses such as …. And Borderer deserve world-wide popularity.
p96 Very few people buy Australian novelties until someone has grown them for several years and either exhibited them successfully or spoken highly of their value, for example, Borderer and……
p134 Pruning wichuraiana ramblers. ……Australia Felix, Borderer, and Anne Vanderbilt could justly be called dwarf Wichuraiana Hybrids. They should be pruned as Hybrid Teas.
(1950) p34. Briarcliff. HT (Briarcliff Greenhouses, 1926), Exhibition and garden. Strongly perfumed. One of the best of roses. Growth to average height.
p262. One ton of petals of R. damascena will yield less than one and a quarter pounds of essential oil. The same weight of petals from Briarcliff will give 0.42 lb weight of rose oil.
(1950) p50 Busybody. 4-5 ft hedge. Evergreen.
p51 Winter blooming
p96 Busybody. (Alister Clark)
p135 R. chinensis can be neatly trimmed like privet to almost any shape, and to any height from three to six feet. Mermaid, Lorraine Lee, Mrs. Russell Grimwade, and Busybody can be treated in the same way, but are not quite as easily shaped.
(1950) p48 Hybrid Wichuraiana Roses. …… Cherub blooms freely in the spring and lightly in the autumn….. The following are all climbers Albertine, American Pillar, Bloomfield Courage, Cherub, Dr. W. Van Fleet, Dorothy Perkins, Excelsa, Heart of Gold, New Dawn, Paul’s Scarlet Climber, Romeo, Veilchenblau
p95 ….Cherub and …. have all received oversea awards, but they would hardly be our complete selection of Australian roses. We have many better varieties.
(1950) p42 Countess of Stradbroke (Alister Clark, 1928. Decorative, Strongly Perfumed, All zones, Perth, Tropical, R.
p95 Surely roses such as …. and Countess of Stradbroke deserve world-wide popularity. Oversea growers report having tried some of them, but it has nearly always seemed that the trial has been very brief.
p96 Countess of Stradbroke (Cl.) (Alister Clark).
(1950) p42 Courier. (Alister Clark, 1930). Decorative, Light Sandy Soil, Vigorous
p96 Courier (Cl. (Alister Clark)
(1950) Includes photo(s). p32 b/w photo.
p55. ‘Dame Edith Helen’ Needs very light pruning, feeding and watering; constitutional die-back; fails when budded on R. indica major; does fairly well on R. canina and R. fortuneana; blooms are useless until about Christmas time, being coarse and malformed….
p161 Roses in tropical climates. Dwarf plants of ‘Dame Edith Helen’ on R. multiflora understock commonly grow six feet high and nearly as much across. Their blooms are so outstanding that the variety is debarred at local shows from all classes except those specially provided for it.
p189 ‘Dame Edith Helen’ is an outstanding success in tropical, coastal Townsville, despite its Pernetiana breeding.