Rosen, dens Historie, Udbredelse og Kulture
(1882) Page(s) 113. Tea Roses...whitish pink or white with pink shading...Blanche de Soleville...
(1882) Page(s) 115. Yellow Roses with Red Shading: Isabella Nabonnand
(1882) Page(s) 110. Virginian Rambler 1, meget lys rosa næsten uden Torne. 1 bagefter Navnet betyder, at de dermed angivne Sorter ere de bedste indenfor hver Afdeling og altsaa hovedsagelig egne sig for mindre Samlinger.
Translation: Virginian Rambler 1, very light pink almost without prickles. 1 after the name means that the varieties indicated are the best within each department and are therefore mainly suitable for smaller collections.