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Clement Nabonnand's personal breeding book, private archives, Nabonnand Family.
(1938)  Page(s) -.  
- Roses budded by me -
June 1938
“Philippe Pétain” Vasylly Chludoff x Cl. Gnl MacArthur
Hybrid tea. Very rambling, climbing, extremely remontant
Flower large – full, cup-shaped, colour velvety carmine cochineal, No. 10 on colour chart, coppery reflections, very transparent, does not blue, very sweetly perfumed. Foliage shining chives green. impervious to disease, of great vigour
As retranscribed in Heritage Roses New Zealand - Sept. 2008 Vol 29 no3
in 'Marie Nabonnand' Unmasked by Hillary Merrifield and Billy West (Members of the Tea Rose Group), Australia.
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