(1890) Page(s) 79. Centifolien-Rosen. La Noblesse (Soupert und Notting 1857).
(1890) Page(s) 28. If one wishes a vigorously climbing sort for taller objects, Virginian Rambler with its long-hanging, 3 m long canes is excellently suited, Madame Sancy de Parabère, Beauté des Prairies, De la Grifferaie, Belle de Baltimore, Madame Lauriol de Barny, the recently recommended Polyantha grandiflora. with the latter I am not yet fully convinced abouts its hardiness; also the old climbing rose Polyantha has suffered repeatedly from frost.
(1890) Page(s) 28, 30. If one wishes a vigorously climbing sort for taller objects, Virginian Rambler with its long-hanging, 3 m long canes is excellently suited, Madame Sancy de Parabère, Beauté des Prairies, De la Grifferaie, Belle de Baltimore, Madame lauriol de Barny, the recently recommended Polyantha grandiflora. with the latter I am not yet fully convinced abouts its hardiness; also the old climbing rose Polyantha has suffered repeatedly from frost. p. 30: I saw similar vigorous weeping roses currently in Hamburg and surroundings. In the Bauer garden at Blankenese, the abovementioned climbing rose Polyantha with its hundreds of bloom trusses (Fig. 8), which depicts only a single branch of this impressive abundance of blooms.
(1890) Page(s) 30. .... bei Virginian Rambler werden, wenn der Stamm selbst 3 Meter hoch ist, die Triebe aus der Veredlung nur einen kurzen Bogen bilden; die Spitzen hängen dann auf die Erde.
Translation: ....with the Virginian Rambler, if the trunk itself is 3 meters high, the shoots from grafting will only form a short arc; the tips then hang on the ground.