(1830) Page(s) 228. R. Wilsóni, (Wilson's Rose); prickles crowded unequal straight intermixed with setae, leaflets simply serrated hairy, their disk eglandulose, calyx simple, fruit ovato-urceolate. On a declivity by the Menai, Near Bangor, Mr. W. Wilson....[description similar to that in the Supplement to the English Botany] In describing this remarkable Rose, which I have never seen alive, I have availed myself of the remarks of its accurate discoverer. He observes further that it is as plentifully supplied with prickles as R. spinosissima, and that the foliage soon acquires a reddish tinge...On the flowering twigs I find the prickles scattered, small, slightly curved...Whatever might be supposed from the spec. char., this plant has no resemblance, in its appearance, to R. spinosissima, but decidely approaches the Roses of the Centifoliae group. Its leaves are somewhat longer than those of R. Sabini, the palnt which it most resembles in calys. Can it be a hybrid production? Mr. Wilson finds several bushes of it, which discourages such an idea. [description by William J. Borrer]
(1830) Page(s) 104. R. involúta Sm. (prickly unexpanded Rose) prickles crowded unequal straight intermixed with setae, leaflets doubly serrated hariy, glandulose beneath, stem dwarfish....Hebrides and Western Highlands of Scotland.