List of published names of plants introduced to cultivation: 1876 to 1896, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - 1900.
(1900) Page(s) 351. Rosa rugosa Var. fimbriata. (Revue Horticole 1890, 427, f.131.) Hardy. Garden hybrid.
(1900) Page(s) 350. Rosa alba suaveolens. (Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung 1888, 561) Rosaceae. Hardy. No description, One of the kinds yielding Attar of Roses. Eastern Roumelia.
(1900) Page(s) 350. Rosa beggeriana (Garden and Forest 1888, 333.) Hardy. shrub, 4-6 ft. high, flowering all the summer. Branches slender, with a few recurved spines and no prickles. Leaf with 3-4 pairs of small elliptic serrate leaflets. Fl. small, white, in several-flowered corymbs. Fruit not much larger than a pea, at first orange-red, deep purple-black when ripe. Central Asia.
(1900) Page(s) 350. Rosa byzantina (Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung 1888, 561.) Hardy. No description. Yields Attar of Roses. Eastern Europe, &c.
(1900) Page(s) 350. Rosa canina Hetscholdi (Gartenflora 1889, 240.) Hardy. Seedling variety with peculiarly cut leaves.
(1900) Page(s) 350. Rosa centifolia paestumense. (Bulletino de la Società Toscana di Orticultura 1895, 165.) Hardy. A variety with double or semi-double clear rose-coloured flowers.
(1900) Page(s) 350. Rosa ecae (Gardeners' Chronicle 1885, xxiv. 468; Icones Plantarum t. 1329.) Hardy. A distinct species with small leaves having about seven leaflets, red shoots, broad based prickles, and small yellow flowers (R. xanthina, Lindl.) Afghanistan.
(1900) Page(s) 350. Rosa Engelmanni. (Garden and Forest 1889, 376, f. 121.) Hardy. A species with oblong fruit, like that of R. alpina, to which it is nearly allied. Colorado.
(1900) Page(s) 350. Rosa gallica Conditorum. (Neuheiten-Offerte des National-Arboretums zu Zöschen 1889-1890, 16.) Hardy. A variety from which perfume is obtained in Asia Minor.
(1900) Page(s) 351. Rosa gigantea. (Gardeners' Chronicle 1888, iv. 122, 1889, vi. 13, f.4; Garden and Forest 1888, 321; Gartenflora 1888, 516.) Greeenhouse. Something in the way of R. chinensis, but larger, and differing in having solitary white flowers 5 in. in diam., with entire outer sepals and unarmed floral branches. Burma.