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Abhandlungen...vom Naturwisseschaftlichen Verein zu Bremen
(1906)  Page(s) 299-300.  
[From "Concerning some Asian Roses", article by W.O. Focke]
Crépins section of Rosa Sericae is determined excellently by the four-petalled blooms. In most of the other characters, it is similar with Cinnamomeae from which it differs by the broad auricles of the stipules and the lengthened stylus. The Sericae contains only one species, R. sericea Lindl., which has a wide extension throughout central Asia and the Himalayas. Its most conspicious characteristic, the four petals, was initially wholly overlooked. ...Lindley does not mention it...Lindley's picture of R. sericea erroneously shows a bloom with 5 petals...
While the species is monotype, it has quite a few forms. In my crossing experiments, where I used a very glandular variety of R. sericea, it could be seen that the glands are an excellent indicator of hybrids. Naturally, they cannot be found in descendants of the non-glandular typical R. sericea....[which] varies: with broad sessile prickles aloing the cane or slimmer straight prickles, with elongated or globular hips, blackish red, red or yellow. Also the blooming period of the individual forms seem sto vary (see Catalogue of Vilmorin, p. 99). Especially remarkable are:... Subspec. inermis (R. inerma Bertol...) scarce and small prickles, sometimes lacking totally... Subspec. nigritella. Branches densely covered with dark pedicelled glands and bristles, peduncles and receptacles with short, dark pedicelled glands. Fruit globular, blackish red. True to seed. I saw this form cultivated in Kew, have also grown it for several years and used it in my crossings. The leaflets are a little more acuminate than the typical R. sericea. Similar variations in the amount of pedicelled glands is also seen with R. Fedtschenkoana Rgl.
From my crossings with Rosa sericea nigritella have those with R. rubiginosa and R. tomentosa already bloomed...
(1906)  Page(s) 300.  
Subspec. nigritella. Branches densely covered with dark pedicelled glands and bristles, peduncles and receptacles with short, dark pedicelled glands. Fruit globular, blackish red. True to seed. I saw this form cultivated in Kew, have also grown it for several years and used it in my crossings. The leaflets are a little more acuminate than the typical R. sericea. Similar variations in the amount of pedicelled glands is also seen with R. Fedtschenkoana Rgl.
From my crossings with Rosa sericea nigritella have those with R. rubiginosa and R. tomentosa already bloomed...
(1906)  Page(s) 299-300.  
Subspec. nigritella. Branches densely covered with dark pedicelled glands and bristles, peduncles and receptacles with short, dark pedicelled glands. Fruit globular, blackish red. True to seed. I saw this form cultivated in Kew, have also grown it for several years and used it in my crossings. The leaflets are a little more acuminate than the typical R. sericea. Similar variations in the amount of pedicelled glands is also seen with R. Fedtschenkoana Rgl.
From my crossings with Rosa sericea nigritella have those with R. rubiginosa and R. tomentosa already bloomed...
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