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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Der Rosenfreund, 1878 ed.
(1878)  Page(s) 173.  
Colonel de Sansal (H. Jamain), 1875, large, double, magnificent bright carmine-red, shaded velvety crimson.
(1878)  Page(s) 232.  
Die Noisetterose.
Earl of Eldon (Comte d'Eldon), (Copin), 1873, Blumen mittel groß, gefüllt, kupferig-orange, sehr wohlriechend.

Translation: The Noisette Rose.
Earl of Eldon (Comte d'Eldon), (Copin), 1873, flowers are of average size, full, coppery orange, very fragrant
(1878)  Page(s) 227.  
Die Bourbonrose.
François Dugomier [sic] (Moreau), 1874, Blumen groß, gefüllt in Büscheln stehend, feuerroth, leuchtend Purpur schattirt.

Translation: The Bourbon Rose.
François Dugomier [sic] (Moreau), 1874, large, full flowers produced in clusters are a fiery red shaded with bright purple.
(1878)  Page(s) 179.  
Hybrid perpetuals. François Goeschke, large, almost double, vivid red, passing to cherry-red, edges white.
(1878)  Page(s) 186.  
Madame Alphonse Aubert (Fontaine père), 1876, Blumen groß, gefüllt, schöne Form, Blumenblätter breit, hellroth, karmin nüancirt.

The Hybrid Perpetual Rose.
Madame Alphonse Aubert (Fontaine père), 1876, the flowers are large, double, shapely, the petals are broad, light red with carmine shadings.
(1878)  Page(s) 233.  
Die Noisetterose.
Madame Eugène Mahé (Nabonnand), 1875, Blumen mittelgroß, gefüllt, von 20 bis 30 in Bouquets stehend, rosa, Grundfarbe tupferiggelb.

The Noisette Rose.
Madame Eugène Mahé (Nabonnand), 1875. Medium-sized, double flowers, produced in bouquets of 20 to 30 blooms, pink with coppery yellow undertones.
(1878)  Page(s) 188.  
Madame Ferdinand Jamain (Ledéchaux), 1876, Blumen sehr groß, gefüllt, becherförmig, Blumenblätter breit, dunkelkarminrosa, sehr wohlriechend.

Translation: Madame Ferdinand Jamain (Ledéchaux), 1876, Flowers very large, full, cup-shaped, petals wide, dark carmine, very fragrant.
(1878)  Page(s) 189.  
Rosa bifera hybrida—Rose hybride remontante
Madame Hérivaux (Hérivaux), 1876, Blumen groß, gefüllt, schöne Form, schön johannisbeerenrosa.

The Hybrid Perpetual Rose.
Madame Hérivaux (Hérivaux), 1876, the large, double, shapely flowers are a fine currant-pink.
(1878)  Page(s) 247.  
Die immerblühende Rose; bengalische Rose; Monatsrose.
Madame Pauvert (Rambaux), 1877, Blumen groß, sehr gefüllt, lachsfarbig weiß.

Translation: The China Rose.
Madame Pauvert (Rambaux), 1877, Blooms are large, very full and colored salmony white.
(1878)  Page(s) 192.  
Madame Soupert, medium size, double, light flesh-white, passing to pure white.
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