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Decorative Teas and China Teas
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Article (magazine) published 1919.

Authored by Walter Easlea, Jr.

"The popularity of the Hybrid Tea has somewhat eclipsed the above most charming groups, and it would be unfortunate if they were allowed to pass into oblivion, for they have many claims upon our regards.
... No one can deny the elegance of growth and floriferous character of the decorative Tea Roses; and were I laying out a large Rose garden, I should certainly employ many of them in good, bold beds.
... The purpose of these few notes is, first, to direct attention to a few very beautiful Tea, and China Tea Roses, as decorative plants for the garden. I will leave it to Mr. Alexander Hill Gray and other champions of the Tea Rose, as an exhibition flower, to dilate upon their merits on the show board." W. Easlea
6 favorite votes.  
from The Rose Annual 1919 pp 70 – 76
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