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Memoirs of a Rose Man
(1949)  Page(s) 77.  
However , it is only proper to say that there is now a rose of the same color that is not a leper , the Variety Chevy Chase , originated by N. J. Hansen at Dr. Whitman Cross's home in Chevy Chase , Maryland .
(1949)  Page(s) 70.  Includes photo(s).
Elsewhere in these somewhat random sketches I have told the story of the ‘Mary Wallace’ rose. In the same series of hybridizations by Dr. Van Fleet other roses followed and disappointments also followed. For example, there came one rose, under the label W.S.5, that seemed to be a promising plant. When it first bloomed and received the name of ‘Heart of Gold’, it looked as if we were getting a real hybrid between Rosa wichuraiana, the pugnacious and useful Japanese rose, and the rather wonderful big scarlet Rosa moyesi. It did bloom just that way, giving single, open crimson blooms, shading to white at the center, with conspicuous yellow stamens. The plant was vigorous, and it kept blooming for about three weeks, but it could not pass the standard which some thousands of American rose lovers had built up, and it has dropped out. It was a disappointment.
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