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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The Indian Gardener
(12 Jul 1887)  Page(s) 249.  
Hybrid Tea Roses.
Attraction (Dubreuil), clear carmine shaded china rose, petals edged paler rose with a yellow base, flowering in clusters of from 3 to 5 flowers on a firm stem; vigorous, with an intermediate scent between the damask and tea roses; very free blooming. Extra good.
(9 Mar 1885)  Page(s) 162.  
Rosa multiflora
The varieties belonging to this group, although they grow vigorously enough in the plains, produce but very insignificant flowers, and then very sparingly after being planted for several years. At an elevation of 5000 to 6000 feet in the Himalayas they seem to find a home in every way congenial to them, blooming most profusely year after year without any attention being given them.

Polyantha Roses (R. polyantha)
Japanese Roses, producing white flowers, and closely allied to, of not varieties of, R. multiflora. They are of very rapid growth, and valuable for climbing.

Name. — Description.
Bijou de Lyon — pure white, small, full, and imbricated, produced in clusters.
Double (Duplex) — double white.
Single (Simplex) — single white.
(1884)  Page(s) 57.  
Reprint of article from "Journal of Horticulture", 1879, p. 148
(23 Feb 1886)  Page(s) 150.  
Cornelia Cook (A. Cook, 1855), growth moderate, flowers white tinged with flesh, large and very full: not a free bloomer, and often does not open well, but a superb Rose when well grown; a seedling from Devoniensis.
(23 Feb 1886)  Page(s) 150, Vol 2.  
Desantres (A. Cook, 1855). "colour flesh, very distinct from any other Tea Rose; a better bloomer than Cornelia Cook, and a good winter flower. Raised from Devoniensis."
(1885)  Page(s) 185.  
The Best One Hundred Hybrid Perpetuals....Lord Beaconsfield...
(1884)  Page(s) 57.  
Reprint of article from "Journal of Horticulture", 1879, p. 148
(1884)  Page(s) 57.  
Reprint of article from "Journal of Horticulture", 1879, p. 148
(13 Oct 1885)  Page(s) 40.  
Hybrid Perpetual Roses.
Joseph Metral... deep grenata-red, large, full; a new colour... vigorous.
(13 Oct 1885)  Page(s) 40.  
Hybrid Perpetual Roses.
Madame Dorlia... bright cherry-red, shaded with purple, very large, full, and expanded... vigorous.
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