Roses Abroad: Promises, Promises, Promises!
(Nov 1999) Page(s) 15. Adrienne Berman Hybrid Tea, deep red
(Nov 1999) Page(s) 14-15. Blue Skies The late Griffith Buck, its breeder, told me they just could not find a photographer who could capture its [blue] color as he saw it. And yet it is the closest to blue that I have ever seen.
(Nov 1999) Page(s) 15. Includes photo(s). Dream Pink The blooms are big, high pointed, scented pink...
(Nov 1999) Page(s) 14. Includes photo(s). Lions International is definitely another one to watch in the rise of Fryer roses...
(Nov 1999) Page(s) 14. The Lady... subtle pastel colors and high-centered bloom...