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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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California's Rose Heritage. Journal of the Heritage Rose Foundation. 2005 Conference
(2005)  Page(s) 119.  
The buds are pointed, elegant, and long in a deep pink or bright red color and open to a starburst or quilled pattern looking vaguely like the bow on a gift package. The foliage is glossy, widely saced and the blooms retain the Brunner habit of floating above the foliate and the Tea habit of nodding slightly on stems just slighly short of the strength to carry them securely.
(2005)  Page(s) 121.  
James Delahanty. The Romance of Polyanthas.
'Mme. Norbert Levavasseur' appeared in 1903, a cross between 'Crimson Rambler' and 'Gloire des Polyantha. 'Crimson Rambler' shot 15 to 20 feet in the air. The newly minted rose stayed small, around 15 inches or so. There were two major disadvantages to maximizing the popularity of 'Mme. Norbert Levavasseur': one was the existence of a name with eight syllables, seven soft consonants and a catarrh-like resonance; this was solved by a clever American marketer who condensed the original name to five syllables: 'Red Baby Rambler'. The other problem was that the medium red color blued badly at the end of the bloom cycle. Nevertheless, 'Mme. Norbert Levavasseur' engendered 31 first-generation crosses as well as a total of 6,624 descendants.
(1947)  Page(s) 173.  
Dr. Walter E. Lammerts. Classification and Breeding of Polyantha Roses.
....Thus the 'Crimson Rambler', imported from Japan in 1893 as the Engineers Rose, was a vigorous climber having irregular double bright crimnson flowers which faded badly to blue. This variety was crossed by Levavasseur in 1903 to 'Gloire des Polyanthas' to give 'Mme. Norbert Levavasseur', a bushy dwarf plant of continuous blooming habit but still retaining the crimson flower which "blues badly". Evidently 'Gloire des Polyanthas' transmitted the dwarf everblooming habit from its R. chinensis ancestry. By crossing 'Mme. Norbert Levavasseur' with an unrecorded variety, Levasseur obtained and introduced in 1909 the famous 'Orleans Rose', typical of many true polyanthas.
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