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Neue Entdeckungen im ganzen Umfang der Pflanzenkunde, Vol. 3
(1822)  Page(s) 172.  
Overview of the newest botanical literature...The botanical register, n. 66-81. Aug. 1820 - Nov. 1821....New or curious species are....474. Paeonia mollis Anders., foliolis ovali-lanceolatis lobatis imbricatis subtus caesio-pilosis, lateralibus subsessilibus, germinibus tomentosis rectis. Seems just to be a modification of P. humilis Retz.
(1822)  Page(s) 255.  
R. microcarpa Retz, to which we remind here again, although one is tempted to feel to deem it for R. canina, similarly the plant of Besser with the same name for R. spinosissima.
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