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The European Garden Flora, Vol. II
(2011)  Page(s) 449.  
P. emodi Royle. Illustration: Botanical Magazine. 5719 (1868); Coventry, Wild flowers of Kashmir 1:t.10 (1923); Stern, Study of Paeonia, t. facing 94 (1946); Brickell (ed.) RHS A-Z encyclopedia of garden plants, 762 (2003).
Stem hairless, 30-75 cm, with 2-4 flowers. Leaves 5-7. Lower leaves twice divided into 3, with c. 9 narrowly elliptic, acuminate segments, wedge-shaped and united by threes at bases, hairless except for minute hairs along main veins above. Flowers 8-12 cm across, petals outspread, white petals. Filaments yellow. Carpel 1 (very rarely 2), hairy (var. emodi) or hairless (var. glabrata J.D. Hooker & Thomson). W. Himalaya..Spring.
(2011)  Page(s) 449.  
P. obovata Maximowicz. Illustration: Gardeners' Chronicle 57:290.f.94 (1915); Botanical Magazine. 8867 (1916); National Horticultural Magazine 13:227 (1934).
Stem hairless. 40-60 cm. Leaves usually 3. Lower leaves twice divided into 3, with broadly elliptic lateral leaflets and a terminal usually obovate one, all acute or shortly acuminate, hairless above, sparsely or densely hairy beneath with long hairs. Flowers 7-10 cm across, petals white or rose-purple. Filaments greenish white or purple. Carpels 2-5, hairless. E. Asia...Early summer.
Var. obovata. Leaves sparsely hairy beneath. Flowers to 7 cm across; petals red. Filaments greenish white. SE Siberia, Manchuria, E China, Sakhalin, Japan.
Var. japonica Makino (P. japonica (Makino) Miyabe & Takeda). leaves sparsely hairy beneath. Flowers c. 7 cm across; petals white. Filaments dark purple. Japan.
(2011)  Page(s) 449.  
P. obovata....Var. willmottiae (Stapf) F.C. Stern (P. willmottiae Stapf). Leaves densely hairy beneath. Flowers to 10 cm across; petals white. Filaments purple. C. China.
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