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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Conard & Jones Co. [The]. Spring Catalog
(1900)  Page(s) 11.  
C. & J. Beautiful Ever-blooming Roses: 50 Fine Varieties for Bedding and General Planting.  These splendid Ever-blooming Roses are well-known popular favorites, highly valued for general planting.  We send vigorous plants, sure to grow and bloom quickly, and bear an abundance of lovely Roses all through the season.  NOTICE—At the prices given, we pay the postage and guarantee safe arrival in good growing condition to all Postoffices in the United States.  Try C. & J. Roses and you will not be disappointed.  Price, purchaser's choice of varieties, 10¢. each; 3 for 25¢; 7 for 50¢; 15 for $1.00; complete set, 50 varieties, postpaid, $3.50.  By Express, Purchaser paying the Express Charges, $3.00
Aline Sisley.  A splendid rose, large, double and sweet; fine violet crimson; beautiful.  10 cts. each.
(1900)  Page(s) 11.  
C. & J. Beautiful Ever-blooming Roses: 50 Fine Varieties for Bedding and General Planting.  These splendid Ever-blooming Roses are well-known popular favorites, highly valued for general planting.  We send vigorous plants, sure to grow and bloom quickly, and bear an abundance of lovely Roses all through the season.  NOTICE—At the prices given, we pay the postage and guarantee safe arrival in good growing condition to all Postoffices in the United States.  Try C. & J. Roses and you will not be disappointed.  Price, purchaser's choice of varieties, 10¢. each; 3 for 25¢; 7 for 50¢; 15 for $1.00; complete set, 50 varieties, postpaid, $3.50.  By Express, Purchaser paying the Express Charges, $3.00
Andre Schwartz.  Brilliant glowing scarlet, very bright and striking; large, full and sweet; a constant bloomer.  10 cts. each.
(1900)  Page(s) 11.  
C. & J. Beautiful Ever-blooming Roses: 50 Fine Varieties for Bedding and General Planting.  These splendid Ever-blooming Roses are well-known popular favorites, highly valued for general planting.  We send vigorous plants, sure to grow and bloom quickly, and bear an abundance of lovely Roses all through the season.  NOTICE—At the prices given, we pay the postage and guarantee safe arrival in good growing condition to all Postoffices in the United States.  Try C. & J. Roses and you will not be disappointed.  Price, purchaser's choice of varieties, 10¢. each; 3 for 25¢; 7 for 50¢; 15 for $1.00; complete set, 50 varieties, postpaid, $3.50.  By Express, Purchaser paying the Express Charges, $3.00
Anna Oliver.  A superb rose, extra large, very double, full and sweet; lovely creamy blush; very beautiful.  10 cts. each.
(1900)  Page(s) 11.  
C. & J. Beautiful Ever-blooming Roses: 50 Fine Varieties for Bedding and General Planting.  These splendid Ever-blooming Roses are well-known popular favorites, highly valued for general planting.  We send vigorous plants, sure to grow and bloom quickly, and bear an abundance of lovely Roses all through the season.  NOTICE—At the prices given, we pay the postage and guarantee safe arrival in good growing condition to all Postoffices in the United States.  Try C. & J. Roses and you will not be disappointed.  Price, purchaser's choice of varieties, 10¢. each; 3 for 25¢; 7 for 50¢; 15 for $1.00; complete set, 50 varieties, postpaid, $3.50.  By Express, Purchaser paying the Express Charges, $3.00
Archduke Charles.  Rich, bright red, large, full and double, early and constant bloomer; very hardy and good.  10 cts. each.
(1900)  Page(s) 11.  
C. & J. Beautiful Ever-blooming Roses: 50 Fine Varieties for Bedding and General Planting.  These splendid Ever-blooming Roses are well-known popular favorites, highly valued for general planting.  We send vigorous plants, sure to grow and bloom quickly, and bear an abundance of lovely Roses all through the season.  NOTICE—At the prices given, we pay the postage and guarantee safe arrival in good growing condition to all Postoffices in the United States.  Try C. & J. Roses and you will not be disappointed.  Price, purchaser's choice of varieties, 10¢. each; 3 for 25¢; 7 for 50¢; 15 for $1.00; complete set, 50 varieties, postpaid, $3.50.  By Express, Purchaser paying the Express Charges, $3.00
Bon Silene.  Noted for the great size and beauty of its buds; bright, rich, rosy crimson; good for both open ground and house culture.  10 cts. each.
(1904)  Page(s) 8.  
Charles La Grady [sic] — A first-class rose of sterling value; grows stout and bushy with fine foliage; makes beautiful buds with large handsome fiowers, very fragrant and highly valued for garden planting.  Color, fine chamois-red, passing to violet crimson; a great bearer. 2½ inch, 60 cents per doz.; $4.00 per 100. 4 inch, $2.00 per dozen.
Debutante Double flowers of uniform size and a beautiful soft pink color.   Blooms during July, September and October in graceful clusters and throws out the delicate odor of the Sweetbriar.  Entirely hardy and splendid for climbing and trialing.
[courtesy Brent C. Dickerson 'The Old Rose Adventurer' p296.  C&Js06.] 
(1904)  Page(s) 34.  
Dr. Grill - Extra large full flowers, rich rosy pink, passing to salmon and fawn tinted carmine and richly perfumed, an excellent rose in every way.
(1901)  Page(s) 7.  
Hardy Ever-blooming Climbing Roses.
Empress of China — An Elegant Hardy Climbing Rose, blooms the first year, and all through the season; soft cherry pink or apple blossom, grows quickly; almost no thorns; entirely hardy, needs no protection, and will thrive in any locality.
(1904)  Page(s) 8.  
Ever-blooming Roses.
The Frances E. Willard Rose is a strong vigorous grower and true Ever-bloomer, making healthy, handsome bushes.  The buds and flowers are of large size and perfect form, pure snow-white and so full and perfect they resemble camellias.  It is delightfully fragrant and is one of the grandest of all pure White Ever-blooming Roses.  2½ inch, 75 cents per dozen; $5.00 per 100.  4 inch, $2.00 per dozen.
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