The Dingee & Conard Company
(1900) Page(s) 2. Includes photo(s). OUR NEW HARDY EVER-BLOOMING HYBRID TEA ROSE
Helen Gould (formerly No. 1900)
See color-plate illustration front cover.
Introduced now for the first time, and for sale only by the Dingee & Conard Co.
It is with a feeling of pardonable pride that we now introduce for the first time this sweet young debutante. Perhaps it is but natural that we should feel that she is the fairest of that bright galaxy of now famous Roses which have won us unstinted praise among Rose lovers the world over. We refer to Golden Gate, Princess Bonnie, Marion Dingee, The Queen, Virginia R. Coxe, Mrs. Robert Peary, Pink Soupert, White Bougere and other famous varieties introduced by us. We have never yet found it expedient to over-praise our own introductions. All that we have ever claimed for our Roses has been borne out by thorough trial. They increase in popularity each successive year. Therefore our statement in conjunction with this glorious new variety may be relied upon as being absolutely correct. in ever particular. We feel safe in saying that in this New Rose we have the most beautiful and satisfactory Rose for general planting ever introduced in America.
Among thousands of seedlings this variety was the favored one, and during the many years that have elapsed since the tiny plant was lifted from the seed pans it has been watched with jealous care and attention. When it was big enough to bloom we saw it. We wanted it so much that we paid seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750) for it. Then commenced the real work of getting it ready for introduction. As we became better acquainted with it our enthusiasm increased. We judged it correctly. We had in this variety the strongest growing, largest flowering, freest blooming and hardiest Hybrid Tea Rose in existence! We had never seen such superb flowers, not only in size but in form and color. We found we had a better rose for general planting than American Beauty, the dream and hope of every Rose grower.
That Rose lovers might know this superb variety, and to show our unbounded faith in its merits, we sent out this year upwards of fifty thousand plant as a special premium with our magazine, Success With Flowers. Up until September 1, 1900, it has been known as No. 1900. In addition to this we offered on hundred dollars ($100) in cash for the best and most appropriate name for it. We told our friends that it was the grandest Rose ever introduced in America. We were not afraid to submit it to them for trial. The verdict has been unanimous. From all parts of the country come enthusiastic letters of praise. Not a single complaint has been heard. Within a short space of a few months it has secured thousands of admirers and has become the most popular Rose of recent introduction.
A.J. Hilton, Amsterdam, N.Y., says: "The No. 1900 Rose has bloomed. It is a beauty!" John Robertson, New Orleans, La., writes: "the New Rose No. 1900 bloomed two days ago. I consider it the finest Rose I have ever seen - full to the centre, with the petals perfectly arranged." Mrs. H.C. Deane, Ogdensburg, N.Y., says: "No. 1900 Rose has bloomed. I am delighted with its beauty. it is the most rapid grower I have ever seen." George Wilkinson, Federal Point, Fla., writes: "No. 1900 Rose has bloomed. It is very fine, indeed. If I could not replace it I would not take a ten-dollar ($10) bill for it." These complimentary letters were taken at random from thousands of similar character. We cannot help feeling proud of the success it has attained.
The Committee having in charge the selection of the most appropriate name and the awarding of the cash prize of one hundred dollars ($100) decided upon Helen Gould. This name was suggested by more than a thousand persons, and in obedience to the popular demand was chosen. We think it a particularly happy selection. As was the case in naming the new Roses Mrs. Robert Peary and Virginia R. Coxe, we have sought to pay tribute to American women and perpetuate through the Queen of Flowers the names of these noble women whose lives have been unselfishly devoted to suffering humanity and the nation. They are the Molly Starks of modern times.
Helen Gould is a thoroughbred Rose - a blue-blooded pedigreed variety. It is the result of a cross between Kaiserin Augusta Victoria and Mad. Caroline Testout, a parentage that insures hardiness, vigorous growth, freedom of bloom and glorious flowers. Without exception it is the freest blooming and strongest growing Rose we have ever seen. In our list of over a thousand different varieties there is not the kind that will compare with it. It has marvelous root-action, growing to perfection in almost any soil and situation quickly, throwing out numerous strong shoots upon which superb flowers are borne in profusion. That it "grows like a weed" is literally true. It is a dwarf, compact grower, particularly adapted to pot culture; is free from disease of all kind; blooms profusely. The flowers are as large as American Beauty, which grand variety it somewhat resembles in fragrance and color. In health and vigorous growth it surpasses this queen among Roses. The flowers are full and perfectly double; the buds beautifully made - long and pointed. The color is a warm rosy crimson.
As a Rose for Winter-blooming indoors, in pots or boxes it is far and away the superior of any variety now known. It will grow to perfection in the ordinary living-room and will produce its lovely plants continuously throughout the entire Fall and Winter. There has been a constant demand for a satisfactory Winter-blooming Rose - one that combines health and growth with beauty of flower and continuous bloom. If you want such a Rose - one that will produce flowers which cannot be surpassed by even American Beauty - we guarantee this variety will please you. Do not fail to include Helen Gould in your order. It will please you from the day you receive it.
We offer strong plants from 3 1/2 - inch pots, for immediate bloom, 50 cts. each; 3 for $1.25; 5 for $2.00; postpaid by Mail.
The Dingee & Conard Company
The Leading Rose Growers of America...
West Grove, Penna.
(1884) Page(s) 38. General Collection—Ever-Blooming Roses. James Sprunt—Deep cherry red; medium size, full and double; fragrant; a strong grower and profuse bloomer; valuable as a climbing or pillar Rose.
(1928) Page(s) 31. Climbing Tea and Noisette Roses These are the Roses which make such a glorious display in the warmer sections of the country, covering porches, pergolas and trellises with their handsome foliage and gorgeous flowers. Those marked H. will be found hardy even in the coldest climate if given protection during the winter, while those marked M. H. are moderately hardy and especially valuable for open-ground culture south of Philadelphia and in California. James Sprunt. Moderately Hardy. — Deep cherry-red, double.
(1876) Page(s) 27. General Collection—Hybrid Perpetual Roses. MacMahon.—A superb Rose; large bold flower, very full and sweet; color, bright crimson scarlet.
(1879) Page(s) 23. New Guide to Rose Culture. Reve d'Or.—Golden chain; a beautiful rose of climbing habit; suitable for trellis or pillar; color, pale orange yellow or rosy buff; good size, full and sweet.