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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Bulletin of the Iowa Agricultural College Experiment Station
(1897)  Page(s) 868-876 Bul, 36.  
Hybrid Roses, Gooseberries and Strawberries.
After careful examination of our hybrids and the Rugosa hybrids we have introduced from other sources, the visitors also remark that there must be a near affinity between the Russian Rosa Rugosa and General Jacquiminot, as the number of fine hybrids from this cross exceeds all the others combined, and in thrift, perfection of leaf, and rich coloring and fragrance of flowers, they excel all others. Up to the present it is really a singular fact that in Germany, France, Russia and this country the best hybrids of the Rugosa have come from General Jacquiminot pollen.
(1893)  Page(s) vol. 22, pp. 865-861.  
R. rugosa X Harrison's White.— Of fifty-seven flowers crossed thirty-one plants were saved. Seven of these have the Harrison's White type of leaf, usually with nine small leaflets, serrate; branches very thorny. The four largest are eleven, twelve, twelve and sixteen inches in height respectively. The largest of the plants with rugosa type of foliage is eleven inches in height.
(1895)  Page(s) 875.  
[From "Introduced Rugosa Hybrids"]
CHARLES FREDERICK WORTH. This, with the three following, were selected by Prof. Hansen, at the "Baumschule" of L. Spath, at Rixdorf, near Berlin, Germany....
(1895)  Page(s) 875.  
[From "Introduced Rugosa Hybrids"]
Madam George Bruant. This is now quite common in the eastern nurseries. It is a Rugosa hybrid, but its male parent we do not know. It seems deficient to summer heat and drouth, and with us has not yet been injured by winter. Its leaves are of....
(1895)  Page(s) 875.  
ROSA MAJALIS FL PL. This came to us from north Germany. In leaf and habit it seems to be a near relative of the....
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