The New Zealand Book of Roses - The Best 150 Varieties.
(1992) Page(s) 73. Includes photo(s). 'Coventry Cathedral'. syn 'Cathedral', 'Houston'. Raised by McGredy, New Zealand. Parentage ('Little Darling' x 'Goldilocks') x 'Irish Mist'. Introduced 1973. Height Medium. 1 - 1.2 metres. A time-proven rose, absolutely reliable in the garden and one that gives a dazzling, long lasting display of pure vibrant colour. The luminous flowers are apricot shading to salmon with scarlet appearing as the blooms age - the whole effect is flame-like. The flowers are individually large and carried in clusters in great profusion and they repeat well over a long season. Plants are upright, bushy and well dressed in semi-glossy, olive-green, disease-free foliage. 'Coventry Cathedral' gained a Gold Star award in New Zealand in 1974 and an All-America Rose Selection in 1976.
(1992) Page(s) 78. Includes photo(s). Shocking Blue (Korblue). Raised by Kordes, Germany. Parentage: Unnamed seedling x 'Silver Star'. Introduced 1974. Height medium 1 to 1.2 metres. This heavily scented Kordes rose has superb hybrid tea-shaped blooms in the richest colour tones of deepest reddish mauve - a colour which gently pales with age to a gentle lilac-mauve. The fragrance is rich and heady and goes well with the sumptuous floral colouring. The flowers are carried over a long summer period on both single and cluster-flowered stems and they make excellent cut flower material. The growth habit is upright, neat and bushy and the plant is clothed in glossy deep green, disease-resistant foliage. 'Shocking Blue' makes a fine bedding subject but is also good when used among the flowers or when planted close to seating places and other high-use pedestrian traffic areas, so that the fragrant aspect can be utilised to best effect.
(1992) Page(s) 106. Includes photo(s). 'Swan Lake'....