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The Rose Society of New South Wales Inc. Centenary 1913-2013
(2013)  Page(s) 141.  
Richard Walsh: '100 Not Out'. It was a fairly unassuming seedling at first and lived in a pot for years. It took off when it eventually got its feet into soil. Our initial working name for it was 'Little Girl Pink", because it seemed to be a feminine rose in the kind of colour you would see a small girl dressed in. By the time it went to trial, it had been registered as 'Amelia' after one of my granddaughters. It did unexpectedly well in South Australia and in many ways did not really hit its straps until after it was budded and sent to trial, where its clustering habit became more obvious. I sent it originally as a Hybrid Tea, but it soon became clear this needed to be changed to Floribunda to keep the assessors happy. It is now registered as Grandiflora, which was not an option in the trial garden. That seems logical since it was bred from 'Pink Parfait' (Gr) and 'Harmonie' (HT).....
(2013)  Page(s) 146.  
Max Ryan. 'Beslan' (HT 2004) 'Virgo' x 'Signature'. Prior to registration of the rose, a terrible atrocity occurred in the Russian province of Beslan, causing the loss of 344 civilians, of whom 186 were schoolchildren. Mrs. Marmont, of Russian descent now residing in Goulburn, planned fundraising events for the province. The Russian Ambassador to Australia, Mr. Leonid Moiseev came to Goulburn for the presentation of the funds raised. Max took this opportunity to ask Mr. Moiseev for permission to name his new hybrid rose. Mrs. Marmont also accepted a plant of 'Beslan'. Max, with his wife, Jean and a delegation of Goulburn residents, attended the Russian Embassy in Canberra for a planting ceremony of 'Beslan' at the embassy. Max, Jean and Mrs. Marmont continue to accept an annual invitation to the Russian National Day celebrations held at the embassy in Canberra on 12 June.
(2013)  Page(s) 125.  
In 2002 the society marketed a rose discovered by Bert, a sport of 'Gold Medal' which he had named 'Daphne Jean' after his wife.
(2013)  Page(s) 146.  Includes photo(s).
Bob Stibbard. 'Hilton Edward' (HT 1994) 'Sweet Afton' x 'News'. medium lilac pink with a strong perfume was named after his father and released by Golden Vale Nursery.
(2013)  Page(s) 147.  Includes photo(s).
Charles Smart. 'Norma's Love' (LCL, 2008) 'Sparrieshoop x unknown. Named for his wife of sixty years.
(2013)  Page(s) 27.  
Mrs. Kelleher registered a mutation from 'Vogue' (F. 1951), Boerner, Jackson & Perkins. She submitted the name, 'Bazaar' but instead, it was registered as 'Pink Vogue' in 1960 and released by Hazlewood Bros.
(2013)  Page(s) 147.  Includes photo(s).
Allan Read. 'Sarah Anne' (MF 1996). Named for Allan's late wife, Anne.
(2013)  Page(s) 145.  
Richard Walsh: 'Samourai' x 'Old Master' produced a number of seedlings in 1983. One of those seedlings went into the National Rose Trial garden of Australia Inc. in 1997 where it was awarded the Best Australian Bred Rose for 1999.
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