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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The Rose (Ellwanger 1893)
p129.  Among Monthly Roses the most desirable are: ....and Innocente Pirola.

p137. Ducher and Widow, Lyons, France.   First variety sent out in 1852.
Innocente Pirola 1878.

p263. 458. Innocente Pirola mod. T. Madame Ducher, 1878.  Clouded white, medium size, full, well-formed buds.  In the style of 'Niphetos', but is inferior to it in all respects save mere vigor of growth.
(1894)  Page(s) 274.  
Mme. de Ridder Free or vig. H.R. Margottin 1871. Red, shaded with violet-crimson, large, full, fine globular form; green wood and thorns. A distinct sort, fragrant and beautiful, but fades easily.
(1893)  Page(s) 144.  
Margottin père. Paris, France....
Madame de Ridder, H.R., 1871
(1893)  Page(s) 279.  
701. Mme. Moreau mod. P.M. [Perpetual moss]. Moreau-Robert, 1872. Red, large, full.
(1893)  Page(s) 293.  
No. 872. Perfection de Monplaisir Mod. T. Levet, 1871. Yellow, a good Tea, which may be described as an improved 'Canary'; like that sort it is delicate.
(1893)  Page(s) 299.  
967 S. Reynolds Hole H.R. G. Paul, 1872. Maroon, flushed with scarlet-crimson, medium size, full, well formed; shy in the autumn and subject to mildew. A rose of great beauty but not at all adapted to general cultivation.
(1893)  Page(s) 300.  
No. 973. Sanguinea mod. Beng. Crimson, medium or small size. An inferior 'Agrippina'.
(1893)  Page(s) 20.  
A large proportion of the following are grown by nearly all leading florists throughout the Country: …..and Sunset.
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