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Physiological and biochemical features of some cultivars in essential oil rose (Rosa x damascena Mill.) growing in situ and in vitro
Article (magazine) published 2016.

Authored by Irina Mitrofanova
The results of physiological and biochemical features studies in some essential oil rose cultivars from Nikita Botanical Gardens collection under cultivation in situ and in vitro are presented. Studies of the intact plants were carried out in their growth dynamics...... Based on the research results we could recommend essential oil rose cultivars Raduga and Festivalnaya for mass cultivation in the regions with semi-arid climate and use in the essential oil industry.
Published in "International Journal of PharmTech Research", Vol. 9, No. 7. Article by Irina Mitrofanova, Oksana Grebennikova, Valentina Brailko, Anfisa Paliy, Natalya Marko, Nina Lesnikova-Sedoshenko, Olga Motrofanova of the Nikita Botanical Gardens, Narional Scientific Centre, Yalta, Crimea.
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