(2016) Variety 'Aura' (L. G. Nazarenko, L. A. Grishchenko, V. A. Borisova, V.A. Koval'ova, L. L. Makarenko). Average yield of 23.1 kg/hectare, mass fraction of essential oil in fresh flowers is 0.164%, the harvest of essential oils 3.86 kg/ha. ....Blooms of this variety are suitable for Bulgarian technology. Mostly very small prickles....many canes. Pink blooms.
(2016) Variety 'Festival'naya' gives good results at a relatively low content of essential oils (0.12-0.14%) and low mass of lowers (2.3-2.7g). Blooms expand for a day only. Harvesting is difficult as many blooms are placed inside the bush. Very susceptible to black spot.
(2016) 'Kavkazskaya'. a plant with large double flowers was identified in 1942 at the Voznesensky experimental breeding station among an old palntation of Kazanlik roses. The plant was propagated and named Kavkaz'ka Chernova (кавказська червона) [Caucasian Red]. The variety was described by L. V. Lutin in 1956: "Kazanlik and Red roses are produced in Crimea....the morphological features and the vegetative growing season approaches Kazanlik, but is very different from the latter. The blooms are large, very full, with up to 200 petals, bright red. The weight of one bloom is 4-6 g. The average weight of the central bloom is 8 g. The minimum number of blooms on the bush is 200-400. The flowers are an average of 2.5 times heavier than Crimean Red, and 3 times more than Kazanlik. The blooms tend to fall apart, making it difficult to collect petals. Its essential oil is close to Kazanlik's. Cuttings are not propagated. Susceptibility to rust is less than Kazanlik. Grows suckers, making mechanization and plant care difficult.
(2016) Variety 'Kooperatorka' is a hybrid between the pink Kazanlik rose and 'Krymskaya Krasnaya'. The bush is 135-150 cm tall. The crown is broad, compact, with thick, rigid, upright greyish-green canes. Prickles are large and small, of medium density (very differently located than on the sort 'Novinka' and thicker than the sort 'Pionerka'), grey. Blooms are large, 26-30 petals, light pink, darker than those of 'Novinka'. The fruits are round, elongated at the stem, pink and red. Hardy and drought resistant variety. Prune the bush annually. The first industrial planting started in 1954. The bush is 2 m or more tall. Branches are erect, strong, almost vertical, creating a high columnal shape. The habit distinguishes itself from other varieties, and is more suitable for mechanical tillage between the rows.Young foliage is light green, deeping when older, armed from top to bottom with large and small prickles. Foliage is ...large, dark green, but lighter than that of 'Pionierka'. Numerous blooms are collected in dense terminal inflorescences of 7-30. Petals are pale pink...26-30 petals. Fruits are rose-red, rounded.
(2016) 'Krymskaya Krasnaya' or 'Krasnaya Roza' - is the first domestic variety for essential rose oil. This rose was considerably improved by the State Nikita Botanical Garden via individual and mass selection. Large bush with strong root system and branches, up to 1.5-2 m tall, and more. All branches are covered with short brown bristles and few prickles of different sizes, curved downwards. Leaves on long pedicels, mostly 5-7 leaflets, ovate-rounded, quite large, ...dark green above, glabrous, blue-green below. Large blooms, double, about 60 petals on long peduncles, collected in terminal clusters of 5-9, sometimes up to 15 blooms. The number of blooms on an adult bush attains 800-1000 and more, each bloom weighing 2 to 5 grams. The petals are bright red... Fruit is not very fleshy, brownish-red oval-elongated. Blooms from May to June.
(2017) Novinka.....Flowering in Crimea starts approximately in the second half of May, a week before the blooming of 'Krymskaya Krasnaya'
(2016) Variety 'Lada'. ...average yield in tests 2002-2005...53.6 kg/ha, mass fraction of oil in fresh flowers 0.032%, the production of essential oil according to Bulgarian technology, 1.76 kg/ha. With the variety 'Lada', extract content is 0.313% (standard 0.322%), extract yield 16.3 kg/ha (control, 5.86 kg). Processing of flowers by hydrodestillation and extraction. Bush....146 cm tall, 153 cm in diameter, ....averagely armed (16 prickles per 10 cm length). Highly floriferous (up to 500 blooms per bush), hardy (4.7 points), able to form flowering shoots from lateral buds in case of die back of central bud, almost resistant to rust. Pale pink blooms.
(2016) Variety Lan' selection no. 3845 (breeders L. G. Nazarenko and L. A. Grishchenko) was obtained by hybridization of thw white rose (R. alba) x damask rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) x Rosa gallica, followed by individual selection. ....High capacity, weakly armed (2-3 prickles per 10 cm shoot length), full bloom (77 petals), whose mass is 3.8g and above, far more tahn other known varieties.... Mass fraction of volatile oils to weight of fresh flowers - 0.118%. ....If adverse conditions kill the central bud, lateral subsidiaries shoots grow. Almost fully resistant to rust. Pale pink blooms. This variety is highly valued by specialist aromatic farms.
(2016) Variety 'Michurinka', gives a smaller harvest than 'Festival'naya', but contains more essential oils (0.16-0.18%). Larger mass of flowers (2.9-3.1 g), conveniently located on the bushes... Susceptible to rust, difficult to propagate by cuttings, poor growth, particularly when own-root.
(2016) Variety 'Novinka' (breeder Z. G. Maychenko) is a hybrid between the pink Kazanlik (syn. Rosa damascena 'Trigintipetala') and Krasnoyo Krymskoyo (Rosa gallica). The bush is 85-100 cm tall. The crown is broad, full, slightly drooping in the first year; later after pruning forms easily. The prickles are large and small, densely located on the stems; light brown, turning to grey with age. The foliage is dark green. Large blooms with an average of 26-30 light pink petals. Fruits are large, ...rounded, bright orange. Hardy and drought resistant variety. Resistant ro diseases and powdery mildew....Not easily propagated by cuttings. It is recommended to graft on Rosa canina. Does not require annual pruning, just removing dry and damaged branches. In production since 1952. Flowering in Crimea starts approximately in the second half of May, a week before the blooming of 'Krymskaya Krasnaya'.