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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Johnson & Stokes Garden and Farm Manual, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
(1898)  Page(s) 70.  
Lord Penzance's Hybrid Sweet Briars
These are crosses between the Common Sweet Briar and various od-fashioned Garden Roses. The flowers are single or semi-double. The plants are very vigorous and perfectly hardy, and the foliage of all of them is as sweetly scented as the Common Sweet Briar. They form a distinct break from any class of rose yet in commerce.
Anne of Geierstein. Dark pink, followed by an abundance of pretty clustered bunches of hips; branching habit. One of the best of the collection.
(1898)  Page(s) 70.  
Lord Penzance's Hybrid Sweet Briars
These are crosses between the Common Sweet Briar and various od-fashioned Garden Roses. The flowers are single or semi-double. The plants are very vigorous and perfectly hardy, and the foliage of all of them is as sweetly scented as the Common Sweet Briar. They form a distinct break from any class of rose yet in commerce.
Brenda. Blush white; dainty in color and shade; the contrast and effect of the bright golden anthers add peculiar charm to this variety. Should be in every selection.
(1901)  Page(s) 86.  
Novelty Roses... the Newest of the New
Frances E. Willard
This charming, new, pure white, ever-blooming rose is a magnificent variety introduced last year, and being considered the most beautiful of all pure white, ever-blooming roses, was named in honor of the noble life and work of Frances E. Willard, the great apostle of temperance and purity, and the late venerated President of the W. C. T. U.
This beautiful rose is a strong, vigorous grower, and true ever-bloomer, making handsome bushes.  The buds and flowers are of the very largest size, pure snow white, and so full and perfect they resemble a camellia.  The fragrance is delicious, and it is claimed to be by far the grandest of all pure white ever-blooming roses. Price 30¢ each.
(1898)  Page(s) 70.  
Lord Penzance's Hybrid Sweet Briars
These are crosses between the Common Sweet Briar and various od-fashioned Garden Roses. The flowers are single or semi-double. The plants are very vigorous and perfectly hardy, and the foliage of all of them is as sweetly scented as the Common Sweet Briar. They form a distinct break from any class of rose yet in commerce.
Julie Mannering. Soft pearly pink.
(1898)  Page(s) 70.  
Lord Penzance's Hybrid Sweet Briars
These are crosses between the Common Sweet Briar and various od-fashioned Garden Roses. The flowers are single or semi-double. The plants are very vigorous and perfectly hardy, and the foliage of all of them is as sweetly scented as the Common Sweet Briar. They form a distinct break from any class of rose yet in commerce.
Meg Merriles. Gorgeous crimson; very free-blooming; seeds abundantly. The best of the dark-colored varieties.
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