Fruitland Nurseries Catalogue, Augusta, GA
(1858) Page(s) 22. Tea Roses. Abricote, fawn tinged with pink.
(1859) Page(s) 9. Bourbon Roses. Acidalie—Pale pink.
(1858) Page(s) 22. Tea Roses. Adam, light pink, very fine.
(1858) Page(s) 22. Tea Roses. Antherose, white, creamy centre.
(1857) Page(s) 21. Tea Roses. Antherose, white with creamy centre, very double, fine habit.
(1871) Page(s) 40. Tea Roses. Antheros—white, creamy centre.
(1859) Page(s) 9. Bourbon Roses. Appoline—Rosy pink.
(1857) Hybrid Perpetuals. Aubernon, brilliant rosy red.
(1859) Page(s) 10. Noisette Roses. Augusta—Large, yellowish white.
(1860) Page(s) 46. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Varieties introduced since 1850. Beranger, rose carmine.