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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Valentina e le sue rose
(15 Dec 2020)  Includes photo(s).
Anna Maria
(2010)  180 x 130 cm. Obtained from seed of Brise Perfume (Barni). Broad shrub or small climber with delightful clusters of pale pink flowers fading to white and very country looking. Beautiful dense foliage. Very free flowering and fragrant
(16 Dec 2020)  Includes photo(s).
AUNARIA (Maestro x Delight) x Sharifa Asma. 2012. Floribunda Modest appearance, but with a strong character. Medium shrub, strong repeat, fragrant and healthy.
(16 Dec 2020)  Includes photo(s).
BERTI 10 (2013) Rose found in the garden near MICOL. Good perfume and repeat. Height yet to be determined.
(Dec 2020)  Includes photo(s).
BERTI 11 (2013) From a seed of  Lavender Lassie. Fragrant, re-blooming. Height and habit not yet defined.
(16 Dec 2020)  Includes photo(s).
BERTI 13 (Maestro x Delight) x Sharifa Asma; year 2012; floribunda. Small shrub, strong repeat and slightly scented.
(16 Dec 2020)  Includes photo(s).
BERTI 15 From a seed of Ballerina. Year 2013. Habit and characteristics similar to the mother.
(16 Dec 2020)  Includes photo(s).
BERTI 16 Same seedling as Anna Maria. Single. Medium-tall shrub. Fragrant. Repeats.
(16 Dec 2020)  Includes photo(s).
BERTI 17 Rose found in 2011. Scented. Climbing. 2.50 x 1.50 m. Fragrant,. Once-blooming. Changing with age.
(16 Dec 2020)  Includes photo(s).
BERTI 18 Found rose. Tall shrub or small climber, once-blooming.
(16 Dec 2020)  Includes photo(s).
BERTI 9 (2013; Floribunda; crossing of Tobia x Edith Holden; cm. 110 x 70) Healthy shrub very similar to Tobia but with warmer colors and, like Tobia, generous in flowering.
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