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Hulthemia Roses and the Red Blotch
Discussion id : 80-732
most recent 27 SEP 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 SEP 14 by Jay-Jay
As I was looking at a todays' comment about an Ezine article (Publication / Article / VideoHulthemia Roses and the Red Blotch), Malwarebytes warned me that they blocked a malignant website. See the attached photo.
Best Regards, Jay-Jay.
Discussion id : 80-729
most recent 27 SEP 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 SEP 14 by sutekesh
Publication date wrong - Dec 2014 is still to come:)
Discussion id : 50-313
most recent 3 DEC 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 DEC 10 by Kim Rupert
Thank you, Jim! Hopefully, your Hulthemia hybrids will become more readily available and stimulate others to wonder, "What if?" about them. There has been far too little available about how they breed and grow. Thank you for creating this valuable addition to the too small body of work available!
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