"Yellow Roses
Yellow roses have been a favourite of mine since I bought Eva a bouquet of yellows for our wedding 60 years ago.
Found a Persian Yellow in the spring of 2003 - the ancestor of all tender yellow roses! Still beautiful, but very subject to black spot. Harison produced a very hardy yellow seedling back in the nineteenth century. I haven't grown it in my collection [at the Seniors Lodge where he grew 37 roses] but I see a few growing around town [Stettler, Alberta Canada]. This one is the one you sometimes see on abandoned farmsteads. I do like single Yellow Altai - one of Percy Wrights', low growing and early, but blooms only once. It is a brilliant yellow. Percy tried again and produced Kilwinning - R. Altai x Persian Yellow. Can make a nice lot of bloom, but only creamy yellow.
In 2002 I acquired Topaz Jewel - advertised as the only ever blooming yellow rugosa hybrid. It is yellow all right, but I'll need a few more years before I can properly evaluate it. Last year it killed back badly."
Walter Schowalter notes 2003 Square brackets mine - Margit
Comment at the end of paper
"Well that is it! Five raspberries, One rhubarb, Two cherries, One blue honeysuckle, 37 roses. Not bad for four years [since moving to Seniors Lodge] if I must say so. However I am running out of space, and at 88 the old body is running out of energy. But I intend to keep on experimenting as long as I am able."
"When I first became interested in horticulture, back in 1938, a neighbor woman gave me a piece of Hansa root, and my aunt supplied me with a few suckers of Betty bland. That was the beginning of a long-lasting love affair with hardy roses. Afterward I bought roses offered in various catalogues, and exchanged material with such enthusiasts as Robert C. Felske, Percy Wright, Robert Erskine, Bert Porter, and Robert Simonet. I began to collect material from the wild, and tried my hand at hybridizing. By 1969, when I left the farm at Rumsey to work at the Brooks Horticultural Centre, I was growing about 150 named varieties and unanamed selections. Becoming involved full time in small fruit work pushed my rose interests into the background, though they were by no means given up. The following, compiled from my scattered notes, is a summary of 47 years' experience growing hardy and semi-hardy roses. I have omitted most of the tentative selections as well as others I was not able to observe long enough to evaluate. Some I transferred to the Brooks Station and thus was able to continue my observations. In some cases my notes were inadequate, and I have had to rely on memory. I think prairie plantings should make more use of hardy roses. Even in Europe, where there is no difficulty in raising the tender sorts, shrub roses are widely planted. While on a European trip three years ago, I was surprised to see the roses used for roadside plantings in Bavaria. The Norwegians too make good use of these shrubs in their plantings. Probably the factors that discourage people from planting roses are lack of hardiness, suckering, thorns, chlorosis, snout beetles, gall wasps, and rust in native roses and many of their hybrids. Black spot has not been a problem here, and we seldom see it. Looking for that nebulous treasure at the foot of the rainbow is what rose planting and rose breeding are all about. Happy gardening! Walter Schowalter Big Valley, Alberta Canada February 7, 1985
He goes on to give short descriptions of 103 roses. Some of these I have added under "comments" in the HMF listing. - Margit
#1 of 1 posted
4 MAR 08 by
Unregistered Guest
We would love to have you add them to the "Breeder's Comments" section found on each rose page.
General Notes
"R. woodsii - will bloom in fall under exceptional conditions. Discovered in a bluff near Rumsey [Alberta, Canada] some 4 ft. roses blooming August. Have not checked out for species. Porter claims to have discovered R. arkansana 4 ft. tall. Hybrids? Sowed OP seed of mixed Maypole, Rumsey, and Hayter arkansanas. Most closely resembled parents. No interspecific hybrids. Nearly all single, some with extra petal or two, best with only 15 petals. Tend to revert to type.
Three unmistakable arkansana hybrids among some mixed rugosa hybrid seed. Up to 30 petals. There are those who say that our wild species do not intergrade. Many variant types and suspected hybrids. Porter calls them "a Heterozygous mess." Have not attempted to interbreed because of lack of time. Burbank believes (quote?) many ordinarly intersterite species will breed under ideal conditions at widely separated times."
Walter Schowalter Notes Square brackets mine. - Margit
#1 of 3 posted
3 MAR 08 by
Unregistered Guest
Thank you so much Margit. Your contributions to HMF are VERY much appreciated.
Thank you so much. Dad would have been thrilled and amazed to think others might find his notes interesting.
Please be sure to let us know if any of the details for his roses are incorrect or we are missing any.
We've linked your HMF registration to his breeder listing and his rose listings so please feel free to correct or add to them directly.
Thanks !