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Little, R. N.
Discussion id : 109-150
most recent 10 MAR 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 MAR 18 by CybeRose
Wiener illustrirte Garten-Zeitung page 201 (Mai 1891)
Vier neue Sämlingsrosen, ausgestellt durch R. N. Little in New Orleans, und mit Diplom ausgezeichnet sind: Souvenir of Beauvoir House, Miss Winnie Davis, Miss Mildred Lee und Flor-Field.
Discussion id : 109-149
most recent 10 MAR 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 MAR 18 by CybeRose
The American Florist: A Weekly Journal for the Trade vol. 9, no. 280, page 213 (Oct 12, 1893)

A climbing Malmaison has originated as a sport with Mr. R. N. Little of New Orleans, who is an enthusiastic rose grower. The climbing character seems very persistent, while the bloom is a perfect reproduction of the type. Mr. Little has also produced a fine climbing Noisette, which he has named Prof. T. G. Richardson. A number of seedling teas of Mr Little's are now under trial, and will be sent out at an early date. Among them is Winnie Davis, a seedling from Mme. de Watteville, which has received a great deal of praise. It is thought that this variety will be excellent for forcing.
Discussion id : 109-138
most recent 9 MAR 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 MAR 18 by CybeRose
Table Talk, Volume 6(4): 131-132 (April 1891)
Louisiana Roses
Mrs A. L. Saulsbury

Souvenir of Beauvoir House (tea). Color violet rose, passing to purple, carmine striped, buds finely formed, flowers large size, well formed and very fragrant, a strong grower; a free and constant bloomer.

Miss Winnie Davis (tea). This is a very beautiful rose, bearing a profusion of large pearly white blossoms broadly margined with deep pink, the buds are very large and finely formed; perfume exquisitely delicate.

Miss Mildred Lee (tea). This rose is said to rival the Duchess de Brabant, having kindred characteristics.

Miss Flo Field (tea). Flowers, large and fragrant, blooming very freely, color pearly white, tinged with pink, buds finely formed.
Discussion id : 109-134
most recent 9 MAR 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 MAR 18 by CybeRose
American Gardening - Volume 13 - Page 490-491 (Aug 1892)
R. N. Little, who raised the set of roses distributed last year as the Stanley set, will distribute this year several seedlings of merit: Winnie Davis, a seedling from Devoniensis, fertilized with Madame de Watteville, is a very full rose and a profuse bloomer. It is white, tinged on the outer petals with pink. Mr. Little showed me a hybrid tea (as yet unnamed), a cross between Souv. d'un Ami and American Beauty. It has a fine, long bud, and the delicate pink color of La France, and will doubtless prove a valuable acquisition. Mr. Little has also a rose-freak —a seedling from Reve d‘Or crossed naturally with the Cherokee. It is a double, light yellow rose, and very hardy, but resembles the Cherokee in bush, and in blooming at stated intervals. Among other roses originated by Mr. Little I may mention Souvenir de Beauvoir House, a violet-purple tea, very distinct; Mildred Lee, silvery rose, striped with carmine, and Flo Fields, pearly white, tinted with violet. Mr. Little‘s gardens are in the garden district of New Orleans. Some notes on his methods will be given next spring—LAWRENCE H. PUGH.
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