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Barbier Frères & Compagnie
Discussion id : 160-191
most recent 2 FEB 24 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 FEB 24 by odinthor
Correction needed in the Profile: The Barbier whose rose collection was acquired by Louis Noisette, and who was a respected surgeon at the military hospital at Val-de-Grâce ca. 1790-1825, had nothing to do with the Barbiers of Orléans.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 2 FEB 24 by jedmar
Reference deleted, thank you for the heads up!
Discussion id : 75-130
most recent 16 NOV 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 NOV 13 by Eric Timewell
There is an excellent online article on the Barbiers, illustrated, by Lloyd Chapman. The web address is
Mr Chapman calls it a book, and it is long enough and authoritative enough to be one: "The Barbiers and their Roses."
Discussion id : 43-026
most recent 8 MAR 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 MAR 10 by Don H
"Barbier Frères et Compagnie in Orleans were rosarians. The company was founded in 1900 and closed sometime in 1933. During those years, the brothers introduced 67 hybrid roses; many were crosses between hybrid teas and Rosa wichuraiana descendants. The brothers derived bushes with the best traits of both."

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