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Lacharme, François
'Lacharme, François'  photo
Photo courtesy of CybeRose
Rose Breeder  

Listing last updated on Sat Feb 2025
18, rue de la Croix
à la Guillotière
Lyon, Rhône-alpes
François Lacharme (January 23, 1817 Saint-Didier-sur-Chalaronne (Ain) - November 3, 1887 Lyon)
Lyon, France. Succeeded Plantier.

[From Annales des sciences phyiques et naturelles, 1840, p. 504:] M. Lacharme (successeur de M. Plantier, rue de la Croix, 18, à la Guillotière, près de Lyon)

[From Catalogue de l'Exposition quinquennale Lyon 1851, p. 62:] LACHARME (FRANÇOIS), horticulteur, rue de Croix (Guillotière.) 

[From Rangliste der Edelsten Rosen, Friedrich Schneider II., 1883 Berlin: Lacharme, François, Horticulteur, Guillotière-Lyon, Quai de la Vitriolierie. France.

[From Les Amis des Roses, April-December 1940, p. 21:] Lacharme François, le Hosiérisle universellement connu, le semeur infatigable, est morl à Lyon, le .3 novembre dernier,dans sa soixante-dixième année

[From The Old Rose Advisor, by Brent Dickerson, p. 140: biographical information] Mons Francois Lacharme, the eminient rosarian of Lyon died last November 5th [1887]. Lacharme... was born at Saint-Didier-sur-Chalaronne (Ain) the 23rd of January, 1817...
[From Roll Call: The Old Rose Breeder, p. 269: François Lacharme] studied under Duval and Hardy. About 1840, Lacharme bought the premises of Plantier, some of whose seedlings Lacharme undoubtedly introduced in the early years.

[From The Makers of Heavenly Roses, p. 17: Reverend Henry Honywood D'Ombrain, a clergyman from England who at one time had been Curate of Bray, was] commissioned by a Mr. Bull of Chelsea to enquite about a yellow Hybrid Perpetual, supposed to have been raised by François Lacharme in Lyon...

[From Botanica's Roses, p. 216:] Lacharme of Lyons, France, produced many roses; among the most notable are 'Salet' and 'Victor Verdier'.
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