Nursery founded 1806 by Adam Paul in Cheshunt. After Adam's son William Paul left, managed by his other son George Paul, and later, by the latter's son George Paul Jr. (1841 - 1921).
The Gardener's Chronicle, October 13, 1860, p. 907:] The "Old" Nurseries, Cheshunt, Herts. George Paul, eldest son of, and many years partner with, the late Adam Paul, and of late years the senior partner in the firm of A. Paul & soon, respectfully informs the public that the PARTNERSHIP IS NOW DISSOLVED, and that in future GEORGE PAUL will carry on business in Cheshunt Street, as usual, under the name of PAUL & SON. G. PAUL earnestly solicits a continuance of the kind and liberal patronage so long bestowed on the late firm. Address PAUL & SON, the "Old" Nurseries, Cheshunt, Herts.
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, hereby give notice that the Partnership hitherto existing between GEORGE PAUL and WILLIAM PAUL, Nurserymen and Seedsmen, of Cheshunt, carrying on business in the name of "A. PAUL & SON," is this day dissolved. Communications intended for GEORGE PAUL should in future be addressed "PAUL & SON, the Old Nurseries, Cheshunt Street, Herts., N." Communications intended for WILLIAM PAUL should be addressed "WILLIAM PAUL, Cheshunt Nurseries, Waltham Cross, N.," Nurseries, Cheshunt, Herts, Sept. 29. GEORGE PAUL WILLIAM PAUL
A Rose Odyssey, 1937, p. 115:] The next shrine of British rose history around London is Waltham Cross, the home of
William and
George Paul and their successors,
Chaplin Brothers.