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October seed beds. 1960 ARS annual
Uploaded 1 JAN 12 |
By crossing the seedling (R. banksiae lutescens x Tom Thumb) with the old Noisette Lamarque I have lately obtained a Banksiae type bearing beautiful deep rose colored flowers. Its open-pollinated seeds gave last year some Miniatures producing in profusion flowers of charming colors. 1960 ARS annual
Uploaded 1 JAN 12 |
From the open-pollinated seeds (F2) of this plant I have the first truly everblooming Banksiae hybrid: a highly fertile botanic specimen on which slightly rose-colored blooms unceasingly appear. 1960 ARS annual
Uploaded 1 JAN 12 |
Scan of an article by Michelia Mollia from the 2005 Indian Rose Society Annual, entitled 'A Short History of Italian Roses'. Scan courtesy of Girija Viraraghavan. This is what she had to say about Mr. Mansuino.
Uploaded 3 DEC 11 |