HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Chaffin, Lauren (Laurie) M.
Discussion id : 29-219
most recent 22 JUL 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 JUL 08 by OLEF641
This person and Lauren M. Chaffin are the same person
Discussion id : 29-218
most recent 22 JUL 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 JUL 08 by OLEF641
This person and Laurie Chaffin are the same person.
Discussion id : 14-601
most recent 30 OCT 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 21 OCT 06 by Pedro


           I am new to this site.   I am desperately searching for a Bethany Grace Rose.  It is to be planted in Memory of a sweet little girl of the same name. It was produced in America by a Nursery that is no longer in business..  Can anyone help me find at least two of these roses??   I am in Australia.  ( Victoria.)


Reply #1 of 3 posted 26 OCT 06 by Kim Rupert
Pedro, I don't think Ms. Chaffin is on Help Me Find, so I've emailed her with your question. She's a dear friend, and I thought she'd be pleased someone wants to find one of her roses. She shut down her nursery a while back, and some of her roses have been picked up by another concern, The Uncommon Rose, but this one isn't on the list of what they have. Hopefully, Ms. Chaffin will read your question in the near future. She's rather tied up with things and doesn't regularly visit her computer. Thank you for your patience. Kim
Reply #2 of 3 posted 26 OCT 06 by Pedro


Thank you for your reply and I will try to be patient.

Sincere regards,


Reply #3 of 3 posted 30 OCT 06 by Anonymous-97434

Hi, Peter,

I've heard from Laurie Chaffin. She's gratified someone is looking for a rose she named for one of her grand daughters. She's very sorry it's no longer commercially available. She doesn't have it and it didn't make it to the Uncommon Rose. Thank you for your patience. I'm sorry the news isn't better. Good luck hunting! Kim

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