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Massad, Dominique
Discussion id : 60-776
most recent 10 JAN 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 JAN 12
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Reply #1 of 1 posted 9 JAN 12 by Dominique Massad
I don't know the ploidy of Agnés and I had never seen some hips. Also, No pollen because all stamen are changed in petals.
Reply #2 of 1 posted 10 JAN 12 by Poesie
Thank you. This rose is a real beauty.
And not just this ... ; )

Kind regards,
Discussion id : 30-588
most recent 27 SEP 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 SEP 08 by Kat Lee
Mr. Massad, I absolutely love the photos of Rosomane Janon, but there is no USA nursery that sells her. Do you know where I can find this one? She's so beautiful.
Discussion id : 26-120
most recent 8 MAY 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 MAY 08 by Don H

I notice that the fragrances of three of your roses have been analyzed by Lubera. Can you tell us the purpose of these analyses? Is this the Swiss nursery company, Lubera AG (
Reply #1 of 6 posted 6 MAY 08 by Dominique Massad
Sorry but i don't know this firm and his purpose
Reply #2 of 6 posted 6 MAY 08 by Don H
My apologies. The entries for Versigny, Bicentenaire de Guillot, and Belle de Dom have notes that their fragrance has been analyzed. I assumed you had made these notes but am apparently mistaken. I wonder then where this information came from.
Reply #3 of 6 posted 7 MAY 08 by jedmar
The information is from the Lubera catalogue, which includes fragrance triangles for Alfred Sisley, Antoine Ducher, Baroque Floorshow, Belle de Dome, Benjamin Britten, Bicentenaire de Guillot, Blue Peter, Camille Pissarro, Chartreuse de Parme, Chantal Mérieux, Cherry Brandy, Claude Monet, Comtesse de Ségur, Crimson Floorshow, Cybelle, Dame de Chenoceau, Dan Poncet, Duftfestival, Edgar Degas, Emilien Guillot, Falstaff, Etoile de Hollande, Fée Clochette, Fruity Floorshow, Gene Tierney, Grand Nord, Guy Savoy, Henri Matisse, Jacques Cartier, Lady Penelope, Le Rouge et le Noir, Lichtkönigin Lucia, Little Rambler, Madame Bovary, Magenta Floorshow, Manuel Canovas, Maurice Utrillo, Papi Delbard, Parure d'or, Purple Skyline, Rose des Cisterciens, Rose de 4 vents, Rose de Resht, Saint-Exupéry, Snow Goose, Soeur Emmanuelle, Sophy's Rose, Souvenir de Louis Amade, Souvenir de Marcel Proust, Topaze, Träumerei, Versigny, Vive la France, Warm Welcome, Westerland, Yolande d'Aragon.They had the fragrance of these roses analyzed by Beatrice Bigler, a fragrance expert from a well-known Swiss company (name known to us).
Reply #4 of 6 posted 7 MAY 08 by Don H
Thanks for this information and for the list of analyzed roses. Very interesting because such detail is hard to come by.
Reply #5 of 6 posted 7 MAY 08 by jedmar
The fragrance notes are more detailed than we are able to describe here. We will try to add them bye and bye, as the findings could be interesting for breeders and other rose-lovers.
Reply #6 of 6 posted 8 MAY 08 by Don H
I tried finding the 'fragrance pyramids' for these roses on the Lubera website without success. They may only be available in the print catalogue but if I am missing them online could you please direct me to an example of one?
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