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Attfield (1927-2012), Brian B.

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Rose Breeder  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Cambridge, Waikato
New Zealand
1998 New Zealand Rose Annual page 14
Nominated for Frank Penn Award

2000 New Zealand Rose Annual page 9
Awarded Life Membership of the National Rose Society of New Zealand.

2002 New Zealand Rose Annual page 86
Brian Attfield. Rose Breeding - My Own Efforts.

2004 New Zealand Rose Annual page 10.
New Zealand Rose Award 2004

2013 Australian Rose Annual page 125
In July, Mr. Brian Attfield QSM passed away. Brian was a life member of both the Waikato and New Zealand Rose Societies and was an avid exhibitor. He was also known for his rose breeding with some of his varieties including 'Delightful Lady' (ATTlight), 'Sir Tristram' (ATTbright) land 'Joan Monica' which is named for his late wife.

2013 New Zealand Rose Annual page 71
Obituary. Brian Attfield (September 6, 1927 - July 30, 2012)
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