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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 2 JUL 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 9 MAR 07 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
This rose has shown mildew infection here for the first time in Rancho Mirage, CA's low desert for Spring 2007. A lovely rose.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 15 MAR 07 by Anonymous-103349
Evelyn is vigorous in my area Z10, Cerritos, CA.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 2 JUL 10 by Marnix
Wow, that's a big Evelyn. In the Netherlands I have never seen an Evelyn like that. My own Evelyn is 3 times moved to get another chance en did alas not grow well. Accidently there came much ground on a branch and so the Evelyn did make own roots. And after that Evelyn grows very good! Finally a beatiful totall Rose (and not only the flower). This year I was surprised by an new branch a little further growing out of the ground. I hope this wil continue to got a group of Evelyns on own roots. Maybe Evelyn can turn out to be have rootstocks like a gallica? I don't know, but I still hope.
most recent 15 MAR 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 18 JUN 06 by Unregistered Guest

I live in hot area She doesn`t  bloom but climbing... Why?  no flowers at all.

Reply #1 of 2 posted 22 OCT 06 by Nature_Farmer
how old is she?
Reply #2 of 2 posted 15 MAR 07 by Anonymous-103349
I live in Z10 Southern California. Mine are blooming and it took about 1.5 years.
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