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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 24 MAY 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 JUN 06 by stacy
Friends have magnificent Madame Gregoire Staechlin climbers which perform in profusion every spring depite benign neglect. BUT my (2) are prone to black spot, leggy and with rather sparse foliage - one over an arch, a second against an East wall. Any suggestions of what I should do to help them to find a bit more energy and health?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 3 JUL 06 by Jody
Hi have you tried giving them B1? or Messenger or some other fertilizer to boost them??  Good Luck
Reply #2 of 3 posted 8 SEP 06 by Unregistered Guest

I've had good luck with Mill Magic Mix. My roses have been much healthier since I've been using it.  I also give climbers and ramblers a top dressing of composted manure in the Fall. Lots of organics in the soil really help.

It could also just be the roses you have. Sometimes there are several different "clones" of a rose in commerce and some versions are better than others. Perhaps you could ask your friends for some cuttings and try rooting them for yourself.  

Reply #3 of 3 posted 24 MAY 10 by SeattleSuze
An eastern wall is not good for this rose. It needs its full complement of sunlight - 6 hours daily or more.
most recent 3 JUL 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 JUL 06 by stacy
When I was completing the list of roses that I grow in my (mainly Old, particularly Bourbon) rose garden, i found that VIOLETTE and YOLANDE d'ARRAGON and YVONNE RABIER were missing from your Alpahabetic lists. Maybe I've made a mistake, and somehow got into some other lists? the alphabetic lists of names towards the end of the alphabet seemed to get very short. If I have made a mistake, ignore this, otherwise please add these names if you wish.

VIOLETTE is a rambler, with small dark double trusses, that I have planted with Reine des Violettes and the striped Honorine Brabant. They seem to look good together.
YOLANDE d'ARRAGON is a small shrub rose with very large, very double, very pretty deep pink flowers that (just about) repeat. I find her marvellously disease-free in a garden prone to black spot.
YVONNE RABIER is a small white wichuriana, low lying and very useful as a "goer", continuing to flower after so many of my others have retired for the summer.
I can send photos of all these if needed.
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