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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Tootsie Roll
most recent 28 MAY 14 SHOW ALL
Initial post 2 FEB 09 by Tootsie Roll
I live 6,000 feet up in the San Gabriel Mountains of San Bernardino County, California. This rose is a little monster, taking over as much area as possible. ALWAYS in bloom during the summer. FRAGRANT GROUND COVER AND Beautiful if you cut a branch.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 28 MAY 14 by Michael Garhart
I planted mine in a huge ceramic pot. I knew it could tolerate drought during super hot summer days, and it looks really cool trailing down the sides.

This prevents it from eating up the yard, lol.
most recent 1 FEB 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 FEB 09 by Tootsie Roll
I live 6,000 feet up in the San Gabriel Mountains of San Bernardino County and I bought this rose in mid 2008. I drove her up here from around 2,000 feet, where it was really hot. She traveled 100 plus miles under my air conditioner in my car so sustained some damage... Didn't phase her once she got a sunny spot up here... So far AMAZING!!!
most recent 1 FEB 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 FEB 09 by Tootsie Roll
I live 6,000 feet up in the San Gabriel Mountains of San Bernardino County, California. This has been an amazing rose in my garden from the moment I planted her. Prolific continuous bloomer. Fragrant. I let clematis climb all over her, dark purple Jacksonii, of course. GORGEOUS!
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