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most recent 22 FEB 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 12 DEC 06 by Rosann
G'day,A question regrding the data supplied for this plant.  If 'COMsor' alias 'Norita' was introduced in the USA in 1966, how can it have been bred in France in 1971?Are the dates the wrong way around, or was it bred in 1961?Can someone clarify this for me (and others) please, as it will help in trying to identify which dark red, heavily scented rose my grandmother (Rosann Johnson nee Feaver) grew from the late 60s or early 70s, with her collection mostly having dated from hybrid tea roses bred from the 1957-1963 year range.Many thanks,"Rosann"
Reply #1 of 3 posted 9 FEB 07 by Cliff
There's a lot of confusion in the rose world concerning the various dates used by different sources -- the date a rose is bred, the date(s) of introduction(s), the registration date, etc., and HMF is currently undertaking a review to try to improve the accuracy of the information provided concerning these various dates. According to Modern Roses 11, COMsar was introduced in the U.S. in 1966 and registered in 1971, so I think it's safe to assume that it was bred prior to 1966.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 22 FEB 07 by Rosann
Many thanks for this information which confirms my suspicions.

I hope to obtain a cutting of her rose from the current owners of the house, assuming her roses are still in place.

If not (perish the thought), is there any way of knowing if the Werribee Rose garden in Victoria, or other Victorian growers, would have it in their collection?

I know that the Bordertown cemetery has it, but I can't get there in the rose cutting season for at least another year or more.


Reply #3 of 3 posted 22 FEB 07 by Cliff
I'm afraid that I can't help you with this part, Rosann. Hopefully, someone closer to home will see your question and will be able to chime in. Good luck with your quest!

most recent 12 DEC 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 DEC 06 by Rosann
My grandmother grew 'Memorium' at Tyabb in Victoria, Australia in the 1970s and 1980s.According to 'Growing Roses - A Complete Guide to Growing & Showing Roses in Australia' (1983) by A. S. Thomas, the plant is pink, bred by Von Abrams (no year or place specified) and is suitable for decoration & exhibition, double, fragrant, v. bushy growth and tall.If I can obtain a photograph, I will send one.  (This may take a month or so).Cheers,Heather Johnson,Upper Ferntree Gully, Victoria
Reply #1 of 1 posted 12 DEC 06 by Cass
Hello, Heather, and thank you for this information.

I have to think you are describing the same rose known as 'Memoriam' -- same breeder, same color, same time period. Take a look at these pictures:

Do you think it was sold in Oz with the alternative spelling?
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