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Gingersnap rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Cargo
Here it is again, with yellow in it.
Charles Darwin ® rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Cargo
Here it is in summer, and you can see it's allmost cream and it's more of a ball in shape.
Gingersnap rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Cargo
Here is another bunch with a totally different color and it's on the same bush!!
Charles Darwin ® rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Cargo
What perfect form, just gorgeous, but this is it's first spring bloom, all through summer you don't get this color or form, it balls when very hot or with rain, and it is much paler. But then in the fall it's back to the perfect color and shape. But still a nice rose. The smell alone is worth it!! It forms a good bush, not huge, just right. It has survived the pst 3 winters in my zone 5 garden with no protection. Good disease resistant, though it does get black spot.
Gingersnap rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Cargo
Look at that color!! I just purchased this rose, so cant add much about it beside the fact that I love the color, and how it fades to different shades of orange. It has orange coloring with a touch of yellow and then slowly fades to a combination of orange, peach, and yellow, then to a pale peach, it's so amazing to see them all on the same bush, I like that in a rose. And the blooms last so long on the bush it's amazing, and just when it seems like it's done, I cut it and bring it in and it lasts a very long time in a vase.
10 favorite votes.  
Benjamin Britten rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Cargo
Benjamin Britten
1 favorite vote.  
Eglantyne rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Cargo
Perfect rose, very much a bloom machine, she just keeps on blooming, and perfect form, wonderful scent and great disease resistant. She has survived the past 3 winters in my zone 5 garden, and I love her. I purchased her as a very tiny twiggy bush, though I wouldn't even call it a bush, more like a few short branches. But she was blooming and still kept on blooming while growing into a beautiful bush!! I have moved her and she wasn't phased at all, and is now a nice size bush in her 3rd year. She's my favorite so far.
1 favorite vote.  
Benjamin Britten rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Cargo
Large beautiful bush, with beautiful blooms that look right at you, no flopping. The initial spring bloom is the best, but does repeats all summer. Unique color, very dark pink with a touch of red or orange. I cut back hard in spring, seeing as it gets so tall, and end up with a nice size bush. Wonderful scent of Raspberries? Very hardy, survived past 3 winters with no protection, and very disease resistant.
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