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1 MAY 14
After the long cold winter, and some very heavy spring rains (had over 5 inches in 1 day) the garden is bursting into bloom. Well, at least those that survived. I lost a lot of Hybrid Teas and a few minis.

To fill in on the winter, it was not just that we had some very cold days (2F) but the cold came in waves, so nothing ever really was fully dormant when the shock hit. I had to cut several back to the graft. Some came back, some didn't
1 MAR 14
Now it has been a MUCH longer time since I journaled here - 2013 was WET, very wet, winter was harsh, very harsh. I appear to have lost about 10 this spring to the combination of soggy summer or frigid winter. Ingred Bergman, April in Paris, Cajun Moon, Timeless, all history. Fortunately Jane was dumping some so, I have some replacements. We will see how they do.
10 SEP 11
It has been a long time since I journaled. so to catch up, Spring was wonderful, cool and wet until the Mothers Day Rose Show. Shortly after that the rains stopped and the heat came in (weeks over 95F). August saw not a single drop. But at the first of Sept. Tropical Storm Lee put an entire months worth of rain down. And it has cooled too.

I had been watering with gray water (shower buckets) but just enough to keep most of them alive, probably no more than 2 gal per week.

My sprayer broke in early June and even though I did get a new one by mid-July, I have tried not to spray just to see the effect. Amazingly quite a few roses which I thought would be leafless from blackspot have not really been affected, others did get whacked - note: I did spray for mites, Avid during the first and 3rd weeks of August. Results were posted to ARS.ORG Roses-in-Review for those on the list.
28 FEB 11
It has been a long year since I have journaled here. The roses did fine, the show was good, the Fall National ARS show was great, and NOW on Feb 28, 2011. I can start again with the logging.

I have finished pruning the climbers. Silver Moon was a killer. And of course I found several rooted branches where it had touched the ground. Anyone want a 40' climber?

It was a very cold winter for us. We actually had snow accumulation which lasted over a week. Not a typical Atlanta winter. I am seeing signs of Downy, mostly on some roses I had gotten from J&P a few years ago which really never thrived. I am wondering if they had a rose version of a low grade fever due to the Downy which due to our climate never became a full blown flu. I treated with Aliette drench at 2 7 day intervals in early Feb. And will spray again after the spring pruning.

As of last night I started seeing a few blooms on my Forsythia. FINALLY, it is time to prune the HT,GR, FL, Minis

Note: I really never prune my OGRS, just take off deadwood and shorten up anything that is reaching out to grab people on the paths.

Second Note: My neighbors have taken out a lot of trees this winter (YEA) so I am hoping for a little more light along the back fence.
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