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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 20 JUL 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 22 APR 08 by RosaTimothy

Can you add:
My name,
Very fragrant. Sweet and a little sharp lemon.

Best regards,

Reply #1 of 8 posted 22 APR 08 by RoseBlush

You can add yourself as a BREEDER by clicking that button on the navigation bar to the left. Click the tab ADD NEW LISTING TO HMF, with the BREEDER box checked. Then click the ADD NEW BREEDER and continue filling out the information. Your HMF registration will be associated with your BREEDER listing and you can add and maintain your own roses. If you have any problems, you can contact us at support -at-

Reply #2 of 8 posted 22 APR 08 by RosaTimothy
Hi Lyn,

I've allready registered as T. van Drent as a hybridizer. But I'm searching everywhere where I can putt info at. Nothing is working. :)
I'll try again.

Mail you when I need help,

Best regards,

Reply #3 of 8 posted 22 APR 08 by RosaTimothy

I can't change anything. I pushed every button. :)
Reply #4 of 8 posted 22 APR 08 by RoseBlush

Our webmaster will have to associate your breeder listing with your HMF registration and you will be able to go forward to updating both your breeder page and your rose listings. I have contacted him on your behalf.

Reply #5 of 8 posted 23 APR 08 by HMF Admin
We'll be happy to help you. Please tell us what are exactly are you trying to change and what happened ?
Reply #6 of 8 posted 23 APR 08 by RosaTimothy

I would like to change the information like: class, fragrance and how full the blooms are.
The only thing what I can do is add photo's.
Reply #7 of 8 posted 26 APR 08 by HMF Admin
If you click on the "Bloom" section heading you will be presented with a form allowing you to make changes to your rose listings. Let us know how you make out.
Reply #9 of 8 posted 20 JUL 15 by boopie
this is a pretty rose, how has it developed over the years?
most recent 20 MAY 08 SHOW ALL
Initial post 9 APR 08 by RosaTimothy
Russelliana is diploid
Reply #1 of 6 posted 9 APR 08 by Cass
Hi, Tim.
I don't have a reference for the ploidy of either Russelliana or Zigeunerknabe. Do you? I don't doubt they are diploid, but I'd like to add published referencees for ploidy.
Reply #2 of 6 posted 9 APR 08 by RosaTimothy
Hi Cass

The parents 'Rosa multiflora Thunb.' and 'Rosa setigera Michaux' are both diploid.
Diploid + Diploid = Diploid
But correct me if i'm wrong.

Best regards,

Reply #3 of 6 posted 9 APR 08 by Cass
Hi, Timo. I could never correct you! I agree with your logic.

I am asking if anyone has confirmed the presumed ploidy with a chromosome count or flow cytometry. Actual counts sometimes surprise us. I grow both Russelliana and Zigeunerknabe. In the case of Zigeunerknabe, any visible evidence of R. setigera influence is well-hidden from my powers of observation!
Reply #4 of 6 posted 9 APR 08 by RosaTimothy
Hi Cass,

You're totally right about Zigeunerknabe. The Unknown part could be anything. My mistake. I judged to quickly. :)
Reply #5 of 6 posted 19 MAY 08 by Unregistered Guest
I've wondered about the possible ploidy of 'Russelliana'. My guess is that it is a triploid, resulting from combination from 2n 'Platyphylla' and a 4n parent with a gallica background. This last season had a bumper crop of hips on 'Russelliana' (21 hips, yielding 58 seed.) Five seedlings are now germinated, May 19, 2008, perhaps they will give a clue to the origins of 'Russelliana'.
Reply #6 of 6 posted 20 MAY 08 by Cass
This year, my Charles de Mills set buds and bloomed in cycle with Russelliana. The resinous smell of the buds is very similar - - similar enough to make me think Russelliana is kin to the Gallicas. I also grow Seven Sisters and de la Grifferaie, another of the early multifloras. Both are blooming in cycle with Russelliana.
most recent 16 MAY 08 SHOW ALL
Initial post 27 APR 08 by RosaTimothy
Class: Floribunda / Cluster Flowered.

Bloom: Light Pink. Very full (41+ petals), Button Eye, cluster-flowered, little fragrance.

Notes: First bloom 80 petals.
Reply #1 of 6 posted 27 APR 08 by HMF Admin
We have corrected our error regarding linking your roses to your HMF registration. You will find you can now finally update your rose listings yourself. For example, click on the "Bloom:" section heading (on the left side of the plant's main display page) to update all the bloom related information. Please let us know how you make out.
Reply #2 of 6 posted 27 APR 08 by RosaTimothy
Hi administrator,

This is really great.

Best regards,

Reply #3 of 6 posted 27 APR 08 by HMF Admin
You are most welcome, we apologize for the misunderstanding and the resulting delay. Thank you for your participation on HMF.
Reply #4 of 6 posted 15 MAY 08 by RosaTimothy
Hi Admin,

Can you add Coral Dawn x Golden Celebration #2 to my breeding list?

Reply #5 of 6 posted 15 MAY 08 by jedmar
Reply #6 of 6 posted 16 MAY 08 by RosaTimothy
Hi Admin,

Can you activate the option to change data? :-)
(You get very busy the couple months now flowers are coming? haha )

most recent 30 APR 08 SHOW ALL
Initial post 9 APR 08 by RosaTimothy
Hume's is diploid
Reply #1 of 3 posted 30 APR 08 by Cass
Something is diploid, but it really Hume's Blush Scented China? There has been a rush to introduce unidentified cultivars as various heritage roses. This is a key example.

Some of the photographs clearly confuse the rootstock Odorata aka Fun Jwan Lo with Hume's Blush.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 30 APR 08 by RosaTimothy
Both parent Rosa chinensis Jacq. and Rosa gigantea Collett are diploid.
Have bought Odorata this year at Loubert and I 'll look at it.
Next year I get an Hume's which was imported from China last year. I'll look at that one to.


Reply #3 of 3 posted 30 APR 08 by Cass
Hi, Timo, We look forward to your investigation and really appreciate your contribution to HMF. I hope you will post your pictures of you Rosa x odoratas candidates with notes about the sources of your plants.

I believe that the parentage of Hume's Blush is more of a hypothesis than a certainty. By the way, If we ever find a verified Hume's Blush, I agree no one would be surprised if it were diploid.

As for getting the right hybrid from China now, 200 years later, that should be interesting.
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