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Photos photo courtesy of Eva Trifon
4 favorite votes.  
Photos photo courtesy of mashamcl
Same plant as in Jeri's photo. At a cemetery in Northern California, April 2011
7 favorite votes.  
Photos photo courtesy of Pascale Hiemann
Isernhagen - 27 May 2009
4 favorite votes.  
Photos photo courtesy of Jeri & Clay Jennings' Garden
Like most Tea Roses, 'Devoniensis' can become a very tall plant, given enough decades of life. This one is probably more than a century and a half old.
3 favorite votes.  
Photos photo courtesy of Carsten
Bordesholm/Northern Germany, June 6th, 2019
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of mashamcl
Same plant as in Jeri's photo. At a cemetery in Northern California, April 2011
5 favorite votes.  
Photos photo courtesy of mashamcl
San Jose Heritage Rose Garden, November 2011
2 favorite votes.  
Photos photo courtesy of mashamcl
San Juan Bautista, April 2011
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of mashamcl
San Jose Heritage Rose Garden, May 2011
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of marcir
2 favorite votes.  
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