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April 8th 2024
L 48 H 68
It’s suppose to be in the 60’s today. March was warm the 1st two weeks
then cold last two weeks. Think it’s time for the 1st lawn cut of the season.
Daffodils are blooming crocus are finished. Forsythia is in full bloom. Just some
warmer temperatures and I can finish the spring cleanup.
7 JUN 23
June 7th 2023
High 70 Low 49
It’s been 6 years since I’ve entered in the journal.
So much has happened to me and my garden.
Retired 3 years ago. But it was because of COVID.
January 25 2020 my mother passed away. Shortly after
COVID hit. All performances and students were canceled
Came down with COPD in April and then diagnosed with
Prostrate cancer. Three years later struggling with
the garden. It’s an old garden now. Less roses but
Way more mature. My albas are huge. The explorer
roses are huge. What a show right now. Bourbon is huge
had no idea it would get so large. The 2 gallicas have suckered
Horribly and have ruined sections of the garden.
I’ll upload some photos.
27 MAY 18
high 83f low 63f

First rose this year Quadra !!! Jens Munk right behind.....
Music has taken over my life.. I'm barely maintaining my gardens..I turned 65 last August
and desperately want to retire.. Hope it happens before next year gardening begins!!!!!
1 JUN 17
HIGH 70 F Low 50 F
Jens Munk is looking very good but others have some sort of discoloration and are very small.. I think its from the frost we got at the beginning of the month...Every year there is a problem with something..Gardening.....
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