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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Betsy Hutchins
most recent 2 MAY 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 MAY 08 by Betsy Hutchins
I have had Salsa for 3 years now. What an interesting rose. Mine never stops blooming all summer (and it gets hot here). It grows rather tall and puts its flowers in clusters, on top of the plant. They are in rather flat clusters all blooming together so that deadheading is done by simply cutting off the whole cluster at once. It is unlike any of my other 40 florabundas. The flowers are very bright red and really show up from behind shorter roses in front. I like it a lot but suggest you plant it at the back of the bed.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 2 MAY 08 by HMF Admin

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Pooling our collective experience is what HMF is all about.
most recent 2 MAY 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 MAY 08 by Betsy Hutchins
This rose is spectacular for about two weeks in the spring--but apparently it does not like a hot climate. Mine is 5 or 6 years old, and the only rebloom I get is sparse with not much more in the fall. I wish she would bloom more, but I guess it is too hot for her to be happy. Does anyone grow her in the heat--and can tell me what I might do to make her bloom more after the spring flush? I notice that Ballerina is almost never offered in my neck of the woods, so maybe the professionals know something that I didn't.
most recent 2 MAY 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 MAY 08 by Betsy Hutchins
I adore this darling rose. It blooms quite well through the heat and the flowers are pretty at a distance or close up. When I got it, I was not experienced with roses and let it shoot up several tall canes. Both of mine took on an odd shape, with very heavy stemmed tall canes so that I have to lean them up against the fence. I would cut them back to make them into bushes but the tall canes look good from a distance so I keep them. If I bought another one I would know to keep it trimmed back into bush form. Just thought I'd warn anybody who gets one to watch it's tendency to grow into a tree!!!! I would like to hear from someone experienced with this rose to see if that would be the right thing to do.
most recent 2 MAY 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 MAY 08 by Betsy Hutchins
I agree that the flowers of this lovely rose are miniature and the foliage is too--but the plant isn't in my yard! In the first year I cut all the canes back because it was going all over the place. That started them branching instead of looking like it was taking over the world and this spring it is a nicely rounded shrub. I have only had it one year and this spring, and I will see what it wants to do after its first flush. It is simply beautiful this spring, covered (much like the Ballerina near it) in those really lovely little flowers. Our temps get VERY high here so I have my doubts as to how it will be able to keep this up. I'll try and yet you'all know next fall after I find out.
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