HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
PhotoDiscussion id : 63-885
most recent 30 APR 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 APR 12 by odinthor
This cannot be 'Climbing Chrysler Imperial', with which I was very familiar indeed from the late 1950s until about 1980 from several specimens in my garden from varying sources (and I had the bush form as well). The fact that the blossoms are evidently in clusters is wrong, as are the glossy leaves. The color of the blossoms also appears to be wrong (should be a blackish crimson), as is the form of the flowers (should be "classic" HT with a pointed, "starry" outer outline).
Reply #1 of 3 posted 28 APR 12 by bungalow1056
I agree. Although it is very lovely, this is obviously not any version of Chrysler Imperial. Perhaps the plant was mislabeled when sold? Or maybe just a simple uploading error?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 30 APR 12 by Ralf
This one was sold as climbing Chrysler Imperial so I guess it was mis-labelled. Any hints as to what sort it really might be would be very welcome
Reply #3 of 3 posted 30 APR 12 by bungalow1056
Well, what you do have is a gorgeous red climber. I've gotten roses that turned out to be mislabeled in the past also. I once got a Europeana labeled as Gipsy. I fell in love with my Europeana shrub so all is well but sloppy labeling is irritating.

This looks like it might be a climbing Floribunda or Polyantha of some sort, given the cluster flowered habit or it could be a modern large flowered climber. Is it fragrant? Thorny? Maybe we can figure it out. Lynn
most recent 1 FEB 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 29 JAN 09 by Silvio D'Amicone
this rose appears to be a polyantha (or a musk hybrid), not the floribunda Marion, with large blossoms and full of petals.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 30 JAN 09 by Ralf
Other sources (e.g. do indeed list Marion as a polyantha rose, stating it was bred by de Ruiter in 1958.
So maybe there is need of a real expert's judgement here.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 1 FEB 09 by Silvio D'Amicone
Thank you for your accurate answer. Petals and colurs on the photo are really different from Marion's ones, however.
most recent 4 SEP 04 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 SEP 04 by Unregistered Guest
ich bin sehr an der rose captain williams interessiert. wo kann ich sie bekommen?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 4 SEP 04 by Ralf
Auch wir haben die Rose nur zufällig im Europa-Rosarium Sangerhausen erstehen können. Das war ein Glückstreffer. Es kommt eigentlich nur vor, wenn im Vorjahr zufällig mehr Rosen dieser Sorte veredelt als für das Rosarium zum Erhalt gebraucht wurden. Man sollte daher - wenn man nicht gerade hier wohnt - Ende Mai telefonisch anfragen, ob es möglich wäre, einen Container zu reservieren. Die Chancen sind leider eher gering.
Wir haben bisher bei allen Rosen-Versandhäusern vergeblich gesucht. Direkt nachfragen könnte unter Umständen nützen. Vielleicht finden Sie in Ihrer Nähe einen Rosenfreund, der Ihnen ein Reis zum Veredeln abgeben könnte.
most recent 7 JUN 04 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 JUN 04 by Ralf
Obviously, the photo by Hernandez shows a Moss Rose. Exactly the same Picture was posted under the name of "Zoe (Moss)" by Pradel.
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