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Shirley Hooper
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Etoile Violette clematis photo
Clematis photo courtesy of Shirley Hooper
New Dawn makes a nice showcase for Etoile Violette!
Shirley Temple peony photo
Peony photo courtesy of Shirley Hooper
Large white blooms blushed with the palest of pinks, or sometimes the edges of the petals are tipped with a dark pink. The plant is about 24" by 30", and blooms midseason.
1 favorite vote.  
Rei-Kai-Zan peony photo
Peony photo courtesy of Shirley Hooper
This peony is also known as "Appleblossom", though the bloom doesn't really look like that of an appleblossom. The bloom measures about 5 inches across. Blooms midseason.
P. officinalis rubra plena peony photo
Peony photo courtesy of Shirley Hooper
A very vigorous peony, about 24" tall and 4 feet wide, with plenty of large "pom-pom" type blooms. It is also called the Memorial Day peony because it typically blooms around Memorial Day, depending upon the weather for the season. A very dependable peony.
Dai Jo Kuhan peony photo
Peony photo courtesy of Shirley Hooper
A nice-sized bush that stands about 32 inches tall by 36 inches wide. A midseason bloomer in my garden.
Walter Marx peony photo
Peony photo courtesy of Shirley Hooper
This is a sister seedling of the peony Louise Marx. The bloom is very similar to Louise Marx, but a bit smaller, and fragrant. The plant does not mature as rapidly as Louise Marx.
Dai Jo Kuhan peony photo
Peony photo courtesy of Shirley Hooper
Lovely satiny pink blooms with a slight fragrance.
Louise Marx peony photo
Peony photo courtesy of Shirley Hooper
The blooms of Louise Marx are quite large, easily measuring 6 inches. In his book "Peonies" Allan Rogers notes that this cultivar is one of those recommended for commercial cut flower production.
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